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Say No to a New Cell Phone Tax

The South Carolina Legislature has once again set its eye on taxpayers’ wallets – this time in the form of a new tax on cell phones.

The purpose? To provide larger government handouts to landline telephone companies that have seen their customer base shrink rapidly due to increased cell phone usage.

The Legislature is considering this cell phone tax legislation right now.

Your help is needed today to stop this bill.

The legislation, S277, introduced by Senator Thomas Alexander would impact all cell phone customers (4.5 million taxpayers and counting) with a higher tax on their monthly bills.

South Carolina consumers are already paying over 16% of their monthly cell phone bills in taxes and fees.

The government should not pickpocket YOUR wallet to fund a BIGGER bottom line for the phone companies.

Yet, this unnecessary tax bill is moving its way through the Legislature. With just a few weeks left in the legislative session, the House must put the brakes on this tax hike.

That’s why your help is critical!

Contact your state Representatives and Governor Haley and tell them to reject the cell phone tax bill (S277).  Your elected officials are there to represent you and you can make a difference by making your voice heard.