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Contact TDC

NTUF's Taxpayer Defense Center challenges overzealous, unfair tax administration, and our lawsuits have led to better policy and wins worth tens of millions of dollars for individuals and businesses nationwide. Because of our limited size, we focus on cases involving constitutional rights or statutory privileges against government tax administration abuse or misconduct. A potential case should not be fact-intensive or help only a few taxpayers. We also do not represent clients in disputes between private parties. Does your case sound like it might fit? Fill out this form:

If you have a case you think TDC can help with please fill out this form. 

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By submitting this form, I acknowledge and agree that I have not entered into an attorney-client relationship with the attorneys at the Taxpayer Defense Center and that the TDC has not agreed to represent me or any other person or entity in this matter.

I understand that information I provide may be shared among the TDC’s staff, attorneys, and affiliate attorneys to keep a record of requests and evaluate whether the TDC may be able to assist with any claims I may have. The Taxpayer Defense Center has not agreed to review or act on my submission within any specific period of time, and if this is a legal emergency or there is a statute of limitations requirement or other deadline, I may not rely on the TDC to protect my rights and interests and I should seek and retain other legal counsel.

If the Taxpayer Defense Center, in its sole discretion, agrees to undertake legal representation on this matter, that agreement will be set forth in a separate written document.

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