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Sunlight Before Signing?

We all know that politicians make promises on the campaign trail. It helps them get elected and (sometimes) gives apathetic voters a reason to be excited and hopeful once again. But, how many times do leaders actually fulfill those promises?

Cato recently put out an excerpt on President Obama's Sunlight Before Signing promise. For those of you who have tried to block out the insanity of the 2008 election cycle, Obama did promise to post (for five days) each and every bill submitted to him from Congress. How is his record looking?

Overall, he has posted 16 of the 163 bills signed into law. In 2009, only 6 of 123 were displayed on for five days before signing. It's a little better in 2010, having seen 10 out of 40 posted, but we're only in May.

Click here to see which bills made the cut. Note: a bill concerning wetland conservation projects in Canada was posted; the Reconciliation Act was not. I'll let you determine any other trends and/or priorities for yourself.