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NTU Supports Several Energy Approps. Amendments

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July 23rd, 2024


NTU urges all Representatives to vote "YES" on Amendments #93, #94, #96, #97, #101, #102, #104, #105, and #106, to H.R. 8997, the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025. While the base bill does not increase spending over the negotiated caps, NTU believes that additional cuts could be made, including from earmarked projects. 

The amendment numbers are based on the Rules Committee numbering system.

Amendment #93, offered by Rep. Perry (R-PA), would prohibit funds from being used to carry out a ban on fracking in the Delaware River Basin. As NTU has written in the past, fracking is a vital source of domestic energy that has a tremendously positive impact on the economy

Amendment #94, #96, #97, #101, #102, #104, #105, and #106, offered by Rep. Perry (R-PA), would all make significant cuts to specific accounts funding a variety of geographically based government commissions, which are nexuses of billions of dollars in taxpayer grants and earmarks. Making common sense cuts to these budgets in a time of dire fiscal straits is a taxpayer-friendly initiative. 

Roll call votes on these amendments will be included in NTU’s annual Rating of Congress and “YES” votes will be considered the pro-taxpayer position. 


If you have any questions, please contact NTU Senior Policy and Government Affairs Manager Nick Johns at