NTU Poll: Taxpayers Oppose $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Plan, Energy Tax Hike Provisions

State Polling Memos:



(PA-08 crosstabs; PA-17 crosstabs)


CONTACT: Kevin Glass, National Taxpayers Union
PHONE: 703-299-8670
E-MAIL: kglass@ntu.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2021 

NTU Poll: Taxpayers Oppose $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Plan, Energy Tax Hike Provisions

As the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation plan takes shape in Washington, new polling from the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) finds that large majorities across the country oppose trillions of dollars’ worth of new spending, and oppose the complex mess of tax hikes involved -- including those that would affect domestic energy production in the United States.

The survey was conducted by Fabrizio Ward, a national polling firm led by veteran campaign pollsters. From September 2-5, the firm polled 1600 registered voters in Arizona, Kansas, and Pennsylvania. NTU conducted this survey to take the temperature of voters in swing districts across the country, and found that the prospect of $3.5 trillion in new spending, as well as tax hikes on domestic industries to pay for it, could be a risky proposition for politicians everywhere. 

"It's clear that taxpaying voters are wary of yet another multi-trillion-dollar spending package, and that they're worried about what the accompanying tax hikes will do to the American economy - and their wallets," said NTU President Pete Sepp. "Most Americans instinctively know that when Washington politicians try to single out American industries for punishment - like the energy industry -  they’ll feel the pain in the wallet and at the pump."

While the $3.5 trillion budget number could change, what NTU believes will be especially harmful to American taxpayers and the American economy are the proposed tax hikes and fees that have been floated to pay for new spending. Of particular concern are some of the energy tax proposals, including ending expensing provisions that provide for a level playing field. These proposals would put the government’s thumb on the scale when it comes to energy development in the United States, when an even-handed approach for all is needed as the economy battles inflation and recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.“What stands out in our polling is that Americans are really feeling the effects of inflation, and they don’t believe that Washington is adequately handling the issues that affect them on a day-to-day basis,” Sepp said. “As incumbent members of Congress look forward to the 2022 midterm elections, it would be prudent to keep the concerns of their constituents in the front of their mind when considering the $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending reconciliation legislation.”

Other questions in the poll found President Biden’s approval rating continuing to slip, and majorities of respondents saying that they would be less likely to support political candidates in favor of the tax and fee hikes proposed in the reconciliation bill.