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National Taxpayers Union Supports House Budget Plan for $4.5 Trillion in Tax Relief

National Taxpayers Union (NTU) President Pete Sepp on Monday expressed support for floor passage of H. Con. Res. 14, the blueprint for tax cuts and spending reductions reported out of the House Budget Committee under the leadership of Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX). 

“The House Budget Committee worked hard to lay the foundation for major tax cuts with crucial guardrails for reducing federal spending and minimizing the federal deficit. The $4.5 trillion budgeted for tax relief will be a critical boost for the American economy, easing the financial burden for taxpayers, and, at the same time, nurturing the growth that is one vital part of bringing the national debt to more manageable levels. 

NTU stands ready to work with the House and Senate to ensure that the next steps of reconciliation lead to lower taxes for American families and businesses, a leaner, more efficient federal government, and a brighter economic future for all. Our focus will be on time-tested provisions such as stable, low tax rates, the research and development deduction, full and immediate expensing, and a strong but responsible Child Tax Credit, paired with specific, long-overdue reductions in wasteful, low-priority spending programs. 

These reductions must be sought in every area of government, not only in domestic spending, but in military spending as well. Reform of major federal benefit programs must also be a priority in the near future, to prevent their bankruptcy as well as the collapse of the nation’s finances. 

As this process moves forward, NTU will continue to advocate alongside pro-taxpayer lawmakers in both chambers for fiscal policy that is responsible to the people who pay government’s bills, in this generation and those to come.”