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House Set to Vote Today on Short-Term Aviation Bill With Private Flood Insurance Provisions

With the deadline to fund the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) fast approaching, Congress is set to consider a short-term reauthorization package to keep the FAA functional. Unfortunately, this legislation preserves the status quo and makes no attempt to reform the wasteful and inefficient FAA and Air Traffic Control (ATC) system. In addition to this short-term fix, Congress is preparing to consider a major ATC system overhaul in H.R. 2997, the 21st Century Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act. This bipartisan ATC legislation is the most transformational reform package in a generation and its passage would be a significant achievement for taxpayers, travelers, and businesses. NTU hopes that this short-term FAA fix does not dim the prospects of a long-term ATC solution.

The short-term FAA reauthorization package, however, does include language to foster the creation of private flood insurance markets across the country. NTU has long expressed the need to incorporate more private sector involvement to reduce taxpayer exposure to risk. With this added language, not only will taxpayer exposure be mitigated, but consumers will benefit from competition through greater market access and consumer choice.

NTU strongly encourages Congress to keep the private flood insurance language in the final version of the short-term bill, while continuing their effort to bring H.R. 2997 to the House floor for a vote.