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Chairman Brady Offers Commendable Approach to Tax Extenders

(Washington, DC) – Today, National Taxpayers Union (NTU) expressed support for the tax extenders package released Monday by House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX). The legislation would continue all tax extenders by another two years and also include critical reforms to the IRS that would help protect taxpayers.

NTU Executive Vice President Brandon Arnold stated:

“Chairman Brady deserves credit for establishing a solid compromise on extenders. It would be much improved if Congress would phase out unnecessary extenders – like the Wind Production Tax Credit – and make permanent the pro-growth provisions, like Bonus Depreciation and Section 179 expensing, but the overall package is too important to allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.”

“Further, the addition of key provisions to restrain the IRS and expand access to Tax Court remedies is a huge win for taxpayers. In particular, NTU applauds sections of the bill that would allow for the firing of IRS employees who engage in political targeting, prohibit personal email accounts from being used for official agency business, and block the application of gift taxes on contributions to nonprofit organizations.”

As negotiations on the extenders package continue, NTU urges Congress to adopt additional IRS reform and taxpayer rights measures, make permanent the most important tax extenders, and roll back some of the most onerous tax provisions in the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare.”

For more details on NTU’s recommendations, please visit: