Voters in many states across the country will head to the ballot box on November 5 to vote on many statewide and local ballot initiatives that will have a direct impact on their wallets. From National Taxpayers Union’s independent analysis, there are at least 954 ballot measures whose outcome will directly affect taxpayers. There are at least 350 measures that would issue $28 billion in bonds (with unspecified increases to property taxes), nine advisory measures on $1.9 billion in annual tax increases, and at least 260 measures that would raise at least $5.9 billion in taxes annually. Additionally, there are 249 property tax increases, 68 sales tax increases, 14 physical plant and equipment tax increases, six short-term lodging tax increases, and three income tax increases that do not have any revenue estimates.
Below is NTU's full analysis of state and local ballot initiatives that will impact taxpayers this November.
Arizona | California | Colorado | Idaho | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Maine | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | New Jersey | North Carolina | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Texas | Virginia | Washington | Wyoming
Maricopa County
- Questions 1 through 3: - These measures would authorize the local government to issue up to $319 million in bonds to fund a myriad of spending projects. Specifically, $112 million would be allocated for park construction and maintenance (Question 1), $112 million for city improvements and infrastructure (Question 2), and $94 million for public safety, infrastructure, and technology projects (Question 3). If all the bonds on the ballot are approved, the estimated property tax impact for that homeowner would be $107.89 per year ($8.99 per month) per year over the next 25 years. If all three of these questions are approved, the county estimates the total cost of debt service, including both interest and principal, would total about $472 million.
- Question 4: - This measure would increase the Mesa Unified School District’s operating budget by 5 percent, with a subsequent increase in property taxes of $1.86 per one hundred dollars of net assessed valuation. The estimated cost to an owner of a home with a limited property value of $100,000 would be approximately $186 per year, or $15.50 per month. In total, this tax increase is estimated to raise about $34 million over the next fiscal year.
- Question 5: - This measure would allow the Chandler Unified School District to issue up to $290 million in bonds. The tax impact over the term of the Bonds on an owner-occupied residence valued at $250,000 is estimated to be $146.36 per year for 25 years, or $3,659 total cost. The tax impact over the term of the bonds on commercial property valued at $1,000,000 is estimated to be $1,053.79 per year for 25 years, or $26,345 total cost. The tax impact over the term of the bonds on agricultural or other vacant property valued at $100,000 is estimated to be $87.82 per year for 25 years, or $2,195 total cost. The total amount to be repaid, including principal and interest, if all the bonds are issued and sold is $447 million. The final year in which the tax is anticipated to be collected is 2051.
- Question 1: - This measure would allow the Gilbert Unified School District to issue up to $100 million in bonds for school improvements. The average annual tax impact associated with the bonds is estimated to be $0.46 per $100 of assessed valuation used for secondary property tax purposes. For an owner of a $206,000 home, which is the average home value within the school district, the tax impact is estimated to be $7.82 a month, or an additional $93 annually for 15 years. The total amount to be repaid, including principal and interest, if all the bonds are issued and sold is $128 million. The final year in which the tax is anticipated to be collected is 2035.
- Question 2: - This measure would increase the Gilbert Unified School District’s operating budget by 5 percent, with a subsequent increase in property taxes of $1.47 per one hundred dollars of net assessed valuation. For an owner of a $206,000 home, which is the average home value within the school district, the tax impact is estimated to be $8.75 a month, or an additional $105 annually. In total, this tax increase is estimated to raise about $10.5 million over the next fiscal year.
- Phoenix Elementary School District: - This measure would increase the Phoenix Elementary School District’s operating budget by 5 percent, with a subsequent increase in property taxes of $.40 per $100 of assessed valuation. For an owner of a $180,000 home, the tax impact is estimated to be $5.20 a month, or an additional $64 annually. In total, this tax increase is estimated to raise about $3 million over the next fiscal year.
- Scottsdale Unified School District: - This measure would increase the Scottsdale Unified School District’s operating budget by 15 percent, with a subsequent increase in property taxes of $.38 per $100 of assessed valuation. For an owner of a $431,000 home, which is the average home value within the district, the tax impact is estimated to be $13.75 a month, or an additional $165 annually. In total, this tax increase is estimated to raise about $21 million over the next fiscal year.
Alameda County - Measure G: This measure would authorize the Piedmont Unified School District to renew a parcel tax of $2,763 per parcel for eight years to fund certain school programs. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. It would raise taxes by an estimate $11 million annually until it expires in 2027. This measure requires a 66.67 supermajority in order to be approved.
- Measure H: This measure would authorize the Piedmont Unified School District to enact a parcel tax of $.25 per building for eight years to fund teacher salary increases. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. It would raise taxes by an estimated $2.6 million annually until it expires in 2027. This measure requires a 66.67 supermajority in order to be approved.
Calaveras County
City of Angel Camp - Measure C: This measure would increase city’s lodging tax on short-term rentals from 10 to 12 percent. It would raise taxes by $200,000 annually.
Contra Costa County
City of El Cerrito - Measure H: -This measure would permanently extend city’s parcel tax of $58 per parcel, where all revenue raised will be used for quality of life purposes. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. It would raise taxes by an estimated $650,000 annually and requires a simple majority to approve.
Fresno County
City of Parlier - Measure S - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by 1 percentage point, from 7.975 to 8.975, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $400,000 in annual tax revenue.
Imperial County
- Measure N: - This measure would allow the Salton Community Services District to authorize a special tax rate of $10 for unimproved real property and $75 for improved real property per taxable parcel within the District. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. It is unclear the amount of revenue that is estimated to be raised from this measure if it is approved.
Lake County
- Measure N: - This measure would permanently enact a parcel tax of $126 per parcels located within the Northshore Fire Protection District. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. It would raise taxes by an estimate $1.7 million annually and includes a three-percent CPI option increase per year.
Los Angeles County
City of Claremont - Measure CR - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by .75 percentage points, from 9.5 to 10.25, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $2.5 billion in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burden those with lower incomes compared to wealth consumers.
City of Hermosa Beach - Measure H: - This measure would increase the city’s lodging tax on short-term rentals from 12 to 14 percent. It would raise taxes by $550,000 annually. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and the epitome of poor tax policy.
City of Irwindale - Measure I: - This measure would permanently increase the City of Irwindale’s sales tax rate by .75 percentage points, from 9.5 to 10.25, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $1.1 billion in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burden those with lower incomes compared to wealth consumers.
City of Lynnwood - Measure PS: - This measure would remove the “sunset provision” for the city’s sales tax increase which is set to expire in 2026. In other words, if this measure is approved the .75 percentage point sales tax increase would remain in perpetuity. An analysis estimates that this measure may raise approximately $5 million per year in general fund revenue for the City.
City of Monrovia - Measure I: - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by .75 percentage points, from 9.5 to 10.25, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $4.5 million in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burden those with lower incomes compared to wealth consumers.
City of Rancho Palos Verdes - Measure B: - This measure would enact a significant minimum wage increase and new worker regulations for hospitality employees working within the city. Specifically, Measure B would gradually increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour until 2022, which will then trigger a 2 percent annual wage increase. The measure would limit Employees’ daily work hours absent informed written consent (except in an emergency), limits the daily square footage room cleaners may clean, or requires double pay if they clean more. Finally, employers must provide Employees with a non-discounted Los Angeles Metro pass, or the equivalent credit for ridesharing services to and from an employee’s residence. These new regulations would impact hotels that have 50 or more rooms, golf courses, amusement parks, or any business with 50+ hospitality employees.
City of South Pasadena - Measure A: - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by .75 percentage points, from 9.5 to 10.25, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $1.5 billion in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burden those with lower incomes compared to wealth consumers.
- Measure SM: - This measure would extend the current Special Public Safety Parcel Tax until 2025 and would raise about $3.4 million annually. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. Defeating this measure would eliminate the tax at the end of the fiscal year. A 66.67 majority vote is required to approve this measure.
Marin County
City of Fairfax - Measure F: - This measure would extend the city's municipal services parcel tax of $195 for eleven years, with an annual increase of $5 on every business and residential unit. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $912,500 annually.
City of Anselmo - Measure M: - This measure would authorize the city’s to levy a parcel tax of $98 per residential unit or per 1,500 square of non-residential use for thirty years. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $500,000 annually.
- Measure E: - This measure would extend the current Reed Union School District Parcel Tax for another twelve years. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax would be levied at $589 per parcel and would increase by three percent annually and is expected to raise $2.5 million each year.
Orange County - Measure A: - This measure would place a massive gross receipts tax on commercial cannabis business, at rates of 2.5 percent for testing; 6 percent of all retail sales; 3 percent of distribution; and 4 percent of manufacturing/processing. This tax is estimated to generate up to $1.4 million annually.
City of Stanton - Measure B: - This measure would increase the city’s lodging tax on short-term rentals from 8 to 12 percent. It would raise taxes by $250,000 annually and would have no expiration date. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and the epitome of poor tax policy.
San Francisco County
- Measure A: - This measure would allow the district to issue up to $600 million in bonds to fund programs that encourage the development of affordable housing across the city. In order to pay for these bonds, the city would raise property taxes by $2.07 per $100,000 of assessed value in the first fiscal year. In fiscal year 2022-2023, the last year of bond issuance, the property tax rate is estimated to increase to $17.13 per $100,000 of assessed value. It is estimated this tax will raise on average, about $50 million annually. It is unclear what the estimated total cost, including principal and interest, will add up to.
- Measure C: - This measure would overturn a citywide ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes and other nicotine vapor products. The current ban on less-harmful vapor products is completely illogical given that consumers are able to purchase cigarettes and other traditional tobacco products that are dangerous and deadly. These products are less harmful than combustible cigarettes and considered to be tobacco harm reduction (THR), based on a reasonable premise that there are significant benefits (for individual health, government health care programs, and the economy) to providing smokers with innovative alternative means of getting the nicotine they desire. By removing this ban, it would provide current cigarette smokers a less harmful substitute to finally kick their habit.
- Measure D: - This measure would establish a new tax on commercial ride sharing services that originate within the San Francisco. The tax would be 1.5 percent on a shared-ride and 3.25 percent on a private ride and these taxes would remain in place until 2045. The city estimates this tax will generate up to $35 million annually which will be deposited into the General Fund. These taxes will almost certainly be passed onto consumers who use these services, which functions as a direct tax on consumers, particularly younger riders.
- Measure E: - This measure would open up more of the city’s public space for affordable housing development. Right now 100 percent affordable and educator housing cannot be built on public land. Proposition E would change that and would allow San Francisco’s Planning Commission to redevelop publicly-owned land into new affordable housing units. While this is a step in the right direction, the city must continue to reform the zoning laws to encourage more private sector development of housing units in order for supply to catch up to demand.
San Mateo County
City of Brisbane - Measure B: - This measure would increase the city’s tax on short-term rentals from 12 to 14 percent. It would raise taxes by $200,000 annually and would have no expiration date. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and the epitome of poor tax policy.
- Measure E: - This measure would allow the city to place a gross receipts tax of up to 6 percent on commercial cannabis businesses operating within the city. To be clear, this measure would not enact a 6 percent tax, it would give the city council the authority to levy a gross receipts tax ranging from 0 to 6 percent.
City of San Bruno - Measure G: - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by .5 percentage points, from 9.25 to 9.75, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $4 million in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burden those with lower incomes compared to wealth consumers.
- Measure H: - This measure would authorize the Redwood City School District to authorize a parcel tax of $149 for twelve years in order to fund education programs. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $3.45 million annually. This measure requires a 66.67 percent supermajority in order to be approved.
- Measure I: - This measure would authorize the Cabrillo Unified School District to authorize a parcel tax of $150 for eight years in order to fund education programs. The parcel tax is a tax on the land of real property collected as part of a property tax bill. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $1.6 million annually. This measure requires a 66.67 percent supermajority in order to be approved.
Sonoma County - Measure C: - This measure would authorize the Occidental Community Services District to authorize a permanent parcel tax of $200 for residential properties plus an additional $100 per residential unit; $100 for agricultural land; $50 per parcel of pasture land; and $300 per commercial, industrial, and warehouse parcel. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $1.2 million annually. This measure requires a 66.67 percent supermajority in order to be approved.
- Measure E: - This measure would authorize the Gold Ridge Fire Protection District to authorize a permanent parcel tax of $200 for residential properties plus an additional $100 per residential unit; $100 for agricultural land; $50 per parcel of pasture land; and $300 per commercial, industrial, and warehouse parcel. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $1.2 million annually. This measure requires a 66.67 percent supermajority in order to be approved.
- Measure F: - This measure would authorize the Graton Fire Protection District to authorize a permanent parcel tax of $250 for residential properties plus an additional $100 per residential unit; $250 for agricultural land; $300 per commercial, industrial, and warehouse parcel plus an additional $.14 per square foot; and $100 per parcel for other land. Unlike the property tax, the parcel tax cannot be based on property value. This tax is estimated to generate up to $800,000 annually. This measure requires a 66.67 percent supermajority in order to be approved.
Stanislaus County
City of Oakdale - Measure H: - This measure would extend the city’s sales tax by .5 percentage points for the next eleven years, to pay for city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $1.9 million in annual tax revenue. A sales tax increase is considered regressive because it disproportionately burdens those with lower incomes compared to wealthier consumers.
: Proposition CC
This measure would significantly weaken the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) within the state constitution and harm taxpayers across Colorado. Since TABOR limits the amount of money the state is allowed to spend, all surplus revenue in excess of the cap must be refunded to Colorado taxpayers. And thanks to stronger than anticipated revenue collections, Colorado has more money in the bank than was allocated for FY19 spending.
This means the state will have to refund about $500 million to Colorado taxpayers next year, and a projected $1.7 billion over the next three years, according to the Colorado Legislative Council.
If approved, Proposition CC would permanently take away taxpayer’s TABOR refunds and end the right to vote on TABOR refunds in the future. A resounding “no” vote will send a clear signal to revenue-hungry lawmakers and special interests that Coloradans are serious about their constitutional protections. And hopefully, public officials will think twice about continuing their assaults on TABOR or plotting to raise taxes.
Read our full analysis in The Gazette here.
: Proposition DD
This measure would decriminalize professional and college sports betting at Colorado’s three licensed casinos starting in May 2020. While NTU takes no position on whether sports betting should be legal or illegal, this measure would levy a ten percent tax on net sports betting proceeds. Even though this measure would establish a new tax, a ten percent levy is far lower than some rates imposed by other states across the country. To be clear, only casinos, or the sports betting operators that a casino contracts with would pay the 10 percent tax and does not apply to the winnings of bettors. If approved by voters, Proposition DD would allow the state to collect up to $29 million per year in revenue, but it is only estimated to generate about $16 million in tax revenue annually over the first five years. A small portion of revenues will be used to fund gambling addiction services and the Hold Harmless Fund, with the remaining 90 percent of revenue used to fund water projects and other water-related obligations that address the state’s water needs.
As is the case with every industry, policymakers should be wary of imposing excessively burdensome regulations, taxes, and fees, as they would remove the incentive to move things from the untaxed black market to the taxable and legal marketplace. A 2017 Oxford Economics study set the “high” tax rate scenario at 15 percent so this tax rate comes in at about a third lower than that “high” tax rate.
Moffat County
: Ballot Measure 2A: - This measure would place a 4 percent tax on the sale of marijuana within the county’s jurisdiction, and would raise at most $100,000 annually.
Rio Blanco County
- Ballot Issue 2A: - This measure would increase the mil levy rate from 5.05 to 13.05 and raise $2.3 million in taxes annually.
Routt County
City of Steamboat Springs - Ballot Issue 2A - This measure would increase property taxes by $1.56 million annually to fund fire protection services throughout the city.
- Ballot Issue 4A - This measure would increase property taxes within the Steamboat Springs School District by $2.8 million annually for general support services.
- Ballot Issue 4B - This measure would increase property taxes within the Steamboat Springs School District by $1.2 million annually.
- Ballot Issue 4C - This measure would authorize the Steamboat Springs School District to issue up to $80 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $8.3 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $137 million.
Larmier County
- Ballot Issue 1A - This measure would increase Larmier county’s sales tax by .5 percentage points for a period of 20 years for transportation and infrastructure purposes.This tax increase is estimated to generate $39 million in annual tax revenue.
City of Loveland - Ballot Issue 2A - This measure would increase the city’s sales tax by .30 percentage points for a period of 20 years to fund general city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $6.3 million in annual tax revenue.
- Ballot Issue 2B - This measure would increase the city’s sales tax by .20 percentage points for a period of 20 years to fund general city services. This tax increase is estimated to generate $4.2 million in annual tax revenue.
- Ballot Issue 2C - This measure would place a 15 percent excise tax on the retail sales of marijuana sold within city limits and would raise $1.5 million annually.
- Ballot Issue 4A - This measure would increase property taxes within the Poudre School District by $18 million annually.
- Ballot Issue 5A - This measure would increase property taxes within the Weld County School District by $4 million annually.
- Ballot Issue 5B - This measure would authorize the School District to issue up to $140 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $10.2 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $253 million.
- Ballot Issue 6A - This measure would increase property taxes by $52,000 annually for property owners within the Solar Ridge Improvement District.
- Ballot Issue 6B - This measure would increase property taxes by $162,000 annually for property owners within the Manor Ridge Estates Improvement District.
- Ballot Issue 6C: - This measure would increase property taxes by $21,000 annually for property owners within the Scenic Ranch Estates Improvement District.
- Ballot Issue 7A: - This measure would increase property taxes by $3 million annually for property owners within the Windsor-Severance Fire Protection District for the construction of two new fire houses and other services.
- Ballot Issue 7B: - This measure would increase taxes by $5 million annually for property owners within the North Weld County Water District to pay for administration, maintenance, and operation expenses.
Boulder County
- Measure 2G: - This measure would impose a sales tax of up to 40 percent on the retail sales of all electronic smoking devices and would raise $2.5 million in tax annually. A recent study shows vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. It is growing ever clearer that vapor products are an innovative and effective bridge for smokers transitioning toward significantly less harmful alternatives. For years, government officials have taken steps to reduce the prevalence of tobacco usage, and the free market has produced a solution to address this serious problem.
- Measure 2H: - This measure would extend a temporary .15 percentage point sales tax which raises about $5.3 million each year. Voting against this measure will end this tax while approving this measure will continue this tax for another 20 years.
City of Boulder - Measure 2I - This measure would authorize the city to issue $10 million in bonds for housing assistance to middle income citizens. It is unclear how much these bonds will raise in taxes but the total debt service, including interest and principal, is expected to total no more than $15 million.
City of Longmont - Measure 3B: - This measure would authorize the city to issue $45.5 million in bonds to fund the construction of an ice rink and pool. The total cost of this bond measure is estimated to cost no more than $72 million. Additionally, this measure would temporarily increase the sales tax rate by .18 percentage points and would raise $4.8 million annually until it expires in 2039.
City of Louisville - Measure 2D: - This measure would allow the city to impose a 5 percent tax on the retail cultivation of marijuana. This measure is estimated to raise about $200,000 annually.
- Measure 2E: - This measure would continue a 2016-passed temporary sales tax rate of .15 which is used toward the operation and maintenance of the recreation facilities. This temporary sales tax raises a total of $845,795 in revenue and defeating this item will be a sales tax cut for consumers.
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes by $2.8 million annually for property owners within the Louisville Fire Protection District for the emergency services.
- Measure 3C: - This measure would continue a temporary sales tax rate of .75 which is used toward the operation and maintenance of streets. It is unclear the amount of revenue this measure generates but its defeat will result in a tax cut for consumers in the city.
Adams County
- Measure 31J: - This measure would authorize the Strasburg School District to issue $25 million in bonds to fund general school services and improvements.The total cost of this bond measure is estimated to cost no more than $49.9 million would raise taxes by $2.5 million annually.
- Measure 29J: - This measure would temporarily increase property taxes within the Bennett School District by $1.6 million annually until 2025 for general school services.
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Rangeview Library District by $12.3 million annually, or $1.32 per $100,000 worth of property. This revenue will be used to provide specific services for children and seniors, and also improve technology.
- Ballot Issue 7B: - This measure would increase property taxes by $145,000 annually for property owners within the Byers Fire Protection District to hire new firefighters and add new living quarters at the firehouse.
Douglas County
- Measure 1A: - This measure would extend a temporary sales tax rate of .18 percentage points until 2035. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax rate raises in tax each year, but its defeat will result in a tax cut for consumers in the county.
Town of Parker - Measure 2A: - This measure would place an excise tax of $5,000 on the construction of each new residential unit within the town. This measure would raise $7.5 million annually and would reduce the supply of new housing, leading to few options for residents to rent or buy which will increase prices.
Eagle County
- Measure 1A: - This measure would impose a new local excise tax of $.20 per cigarette, or $4 per pack, and place a 40 percent tax on the sales of other tobacco and nicotine products. These tax increase would raise about $4.5 million annually. Like all cigarette tax hikes, it would likely lead to less predictable revenues and usually lead to further tax increases. Additionally, A recent study has shown vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. It is growing ever clearer that vapor products are an innovative and effective bridge for smokers transitioning toward significantly less harmful alternatives. For years, government officials have taken steps to reduce the prevalence of tobacco usage, and the free market has produced a solution to address this serious problem. Support for policies that raise barriers for people to access healthier alternative will simply derail efforts to lower health care costs and disincentivize consumers to move away from harmful cigarettes.
Town of Basalt - Ballot Issue 3A: - This measure would increase property taxes by $740,000 annually for property owners within the town for general city services.
Garfield County
Town of New Castle - Measure 2B: - This measure would impose a new local excise tax of $.16 per cigarette, or $3.20 per pack and place a 40 percent tax on the sales of other tobacco and nicotine products within the town. These tax increase would raise about $65,000 annually. Like all cigarette tax hikes, it would likely lead to less predictable revenues and usually lead to further tax increases. Additionally, A recent study has shown vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. Policies that raise barriers for people to access healthier alternative will simply derail efforts to lower health care costs and disincentivize consumers to move away from harmful cigarettes.
- Measure 2C: - This measure will increase taxes by $86,000 for residents living within the town.
Town of Glenwood Springs - Measure 2A: - This measure would impose a new local excise tax of $.20 per cigarette, or $4 per pack and place a 40 percent tax on the sales of other tobacco and nicotine products within the town. These tax increase would raise about $900,000 annually. Like all cigarette tax hikes, it would likely lead to less predictable revenues and usually lead to further tax increases. Additionally, A recent study has shown vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. Policies that raise barriers for people to access healthier alternative will simply derail efforts to lower health care costs and disincentivize consumers to move away from harmful cigarettes.
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Garfield Library District by $4million annually. This revenue will be used to provide general library services.
Kit Carson County
- Ballot Issue 4A: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Bethune School District by $250,000 annually.
Elbert County
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes by $370,000 annually for property owners within the Rattlesnake Fire Protection District for the emergency services.
- Ballot Issue 5B: - This measure would authorize the Calhan School District to issue up to $15.8 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $1.23 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $24.6 million.
Pitkin County
- Ballot Issue 1A: - This measure would impose a new local excise tax of $3.20 per pack of cigarettes with that levy increasing by $.10 annually until it reaches $4 per pack. Additionally, this measure places a 40 percent tax on the sales of other tobacco and nicotine products within the county These tax increase would raise about $700,000 annually. Like all cigarette tax hikes, it would likely lead to less predictable revenues and usually lead to further tax increases. Additionally, A recent study has shown vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. Policies that raise barriers for people to access healthier alternative will simply derail efforts to lower health care costs and disincentivize consumers to move away from harmful cigarettes.
Delta County
- Measure 5A: - This measure would temporarily increase property taxes within the Delta County School District by $576,000 annually until 2028 for general school services.
Mesa County
City of Grand Junction - Measure 2A - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $70 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would be paid for by allowing the city to keep any surplus revenue instead of giving it back to taxpayers. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $114 million.
- Ballot Issue 4A - This measure would authorize the Mesa County Valley School District to issue up to $179 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $25.3 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $388 million.
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes by $18,000 annually for property owners within the East Orchard Mesa Fire Protection District for the emergency services.
Cheyenne County - Ballot Question 4A: - This measure would authorize the Cheyenne County School District to issue up to $2 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $180,000 annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $3.2 million.
Montrose County
City of Montrose - Ballot Issue 2A: - This measure would increase the city’s sales tax rate by .58 percentage points and would raise $3.9 million annually for general city services.
Town of Nucla - Ballot Issue 2B: - This measure would permanently extend the town’s sales tax rate by 1 percentage points and would raise $2,500 annually for emergency response services.
- Ballot Issue 7A: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the County Public Library District by $843,000 annually.
Pueblo County
- Ballot Issue 1A:- This measure would increase sales tax rate of Pueblo County by .39 percentage points until ended by voters. This measure would raise $9.3 million annually in new tax revenue.
- Ballot Issue 1B: - This measure would increase the excise tax on the sale of marijuana from the current rate of 3.5 percent to 6 percent. This change would increase taxes by $2.9 million annually.
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Pueblo City-County Library District by $1.1 million annually.
- Ballot Question 4A: - This measure would authorize the Pueblo School District to issue up to $218 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $19.5 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $360 million.
- Ballot Question 4B: - This measure would authorize the Pueblo School District to issue up to $60 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $9.5 million annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $115 million.
Baca County
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase taxes for residents living within the Springfield Cemetery District by $96,000 annually.
Alamosa County
City of Alamosa - Ballot Issue 2A: - This measure would temporarily increase the city’s sales tax rate by a half-cent until 2029. This measure would raise $1.7 million annually in new tax revenue.
- Ballot Question 4A: - This measure would authorize the North Conejos School District to issue up to $5.92 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by $475,000 annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $9.5 million.
Rio Grande County
City of Monte Vista - Ballot Issue 2A: - This measure would permanently increase the city’s sales tax rate by one-cent for general city services. This measure would raise $475,000 annually in new tax revenue.
Town of Center - Ballot Issue 2A: - This measure would permanently increase the town’s sales tax rate by a one-cent for general city services. This measure would raise $105,000 annually in new tax revenue.
La Plata County
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Pine River Public Library District by $337,000 annually.
- Ballot Issue 6D: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Southwest La Plata Library District by $437,000 annually.
- Ballot Issue 6B: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Animas Mosquito Control District by $300,000 annually.
Montezuma County
- Ballot Issue 4A2: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Montezuma-Cortez School District by $2.88 million annually.
San Miguel County
- Ballot Issue 6A: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the San Miguel County Public Library District by $630,000 annually.
Town of Telluride - Ballot Question 2A: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $7.4 million in bonds for wastewater treatment improvements. It is unclear how much in tax this measure would raise but total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $15 million.
- Ballot Issue 300: - This measure would increase the short-term rental excise tax by 2.5 percent on rentals within the town. This tax would raise an estimated $800,000 in tax revenue each year. Additionally this measure would authorize the town to issue up to $10 million bonds, which would cost $18 million due to interest.
Ouray County - Referendum 1A: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents in the county by $655,000 annually.
Ada County
City of Boise
- Proposition 1: This measure would mean the city could not undertake any aspect of a library project with expected costs of $25 million or more without first obtaining approval by a majority of Boise voters in a future election. This measure will ensure that taxpayers and the public have more say in the construction of expensive projects.
- Proposition 2: This measure means the city could not participate in any aspect of a sport stadium facility project with expected costs of $5 million or more in public and/or private funding without first obtaining approval by a majority of Boise voters in a future election.
: Star Fire Protection District Bond: - This measure would authorize the Star Fire Protection District to issue up to $4 million in bonds for renovations to the firehouse and other purposes. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed bonds, principal and interest, based on the anticipated interest rate is estimated to be $5.86 million. The estimated average annual cost of the proposed bonds based on current market conditions is a tax of $11.42 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year
Blaine County
City of Ketchum
- Special Municipal Bond: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $11.5 million in bonds for the construction of a new firehouse. This measure would raise taxes by $20.52 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year and total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $16.94 million.
Bonner County
City of Ponderay
- Local Option: - This measure would authorize a 1 cent increase to the sales tax in the city and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue. This increase would be in effect for five years.
- Lake Pend Orielle School District Levy: - This measure would permanently increase property taxes by $12.7 million for residents in the Lake Pend Orielle School District.
Canyon County
- Supplemental Levy: - This measure would replace a current tax levy of $9 million per year with a temporary, two year $12 million a year tax levy for voters in the Nampa School District. This would a $3 million net tax increase.
Cassia County
- Supplemental Levy: - This measure would authorize a temporary tax increase of $2.25 million per year for two years. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $136 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.
- Supplemental Levy: - This measure would authorize a permanent tax increase of $12.2 million for residents of Valley Vu in the Malta Cemetery District. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $20 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.
Fremont County
- Property Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently increase the property tax levy for residents within the Fremont County Ambulance District by $410,000 annually.
Gem County
: Gem County Fire Protection District: - This measure would authorize the Gem County Fire Protection District to issue up to $5.1 million in bonds for the construction of a new firehose. This measure would raise taxes by $45 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year for a total of $352,000 annually. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $7.05 million.
Gooding County
: General Obligation Bond: - This measure would authorize the county to issue up to $16 million in bonds for the construction of a new jail. This measure would raise taxes by $87.9 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year for a total of $352,000 annually. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $21.2 million.
: - Permanent Levy: - This measure would permanently increase the property tax levy for residents within the Hagerman Fire Protection District by $100,000 annually. On a house valued at $100,000 with a standard homeowner’s exemption, the annual taxes collected for this levy would be approximately $61.78.
Idaho County
City of Kooskia
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $1.9 million in bonds to upgrade water systems. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed sewer revenue bonds, principal and interest, based on current market rates, is estimated to be $3.6 million
City of Stities
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $1.7 million in bonds to upgrade wastewater systems. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed sewer revenue bonds, principal and interest, based on current market rates, is estimated to be $3.95 million
Jefferson County
City of Menan
- Property Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the property tax levy for residents within the city for two years and would raise $40,000 annually.
Kootenai County
: Special Revenue Bond: - This measure would authorize the Kootenai County Water District to issue up to $2 million in bonds for capital improvement projects. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed sewer revenue bonds, principal and interest, based on current market rates, is estimated to be $2.6 million with no property tax impact on taxpayers.
City of Hayden
: Base Budget Increase: - This measure would permanently increase the property tax levy for residents within the city and would raise $403,000 annually.
Latah County
City of Genesee
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $6.2 million in bonds to upgrade wastewater systems. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed sewer revenue bonds, principal and interest, based on current market rates, is estimated to be $12 million with no clear impact on property tax rates.
Shoshone County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the county to issue up to $22.4 million in bonds to upgrade public safety facilities. The total amount to be repaid over the life of the proposed sewer revenue bonds, principal and interest, is unclear but it will increase property taxes by $75 per $100,000 in home value.
Twin Falls County
: General Obligation Bond: - This measure would authorize the County to issue up to $25 million in bonds for the construction of a new jail. This measure would raise taxes by $25 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is estimated to cost $33 million.
Valley County
: Special Levy: - This measure would place a special levy of .084 percent onto existing property tax bills. This would increase taxes by more than $3 million on taxpayers of Valley County.
Allamakee County
- Measure AO:- This measure would establish a lodging tax on short-term rentals of 7 percent. It would raise taxes by an unclear amount of revenue. Hotel and lodging taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and are an example of discriminatory tax policy.
: Public Measure AM: - This measure would impose a plant and equipment tax of $1.10 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and it would expire in 2022.
Bremer County
: Public Measure BZ: - This measure would impose a plant and equipment tax of $1.34 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise.
Calhoun County
: Public Measure BZ: - This measure would impose a plant and equipment tax of $.67 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise for a period of 10 years.
: Public Measure PACB: - This measure would impose a plant and equipment tax of $.67 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise for a period of 10 years.
Cass County
: Public Measure SA: - This measure would authorize the AHSTW Community School District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $1 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise for a period of 10 years.
Chickasaw County
: Public Measure KF: - This measure would authorize the Howard-Winneshiek Community School District to issue up to $23.6 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Clinton County
: Public Measure FC: - This measure would authorize the Calamus-Wheatland Community School District impose a plant and equipment tax of $.67 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise.
Decatur County
City of Leon
- Measure GB:- This measure would authorize the City to establish a lodging tax on short-term rentals of 5 percent. It would raise taxes by an unclear amount of revenue. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and are an example of discriminatory tax policy.
Floyd County
: Public Measure A: - This measure would authorize the Osage Community District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $1.34 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
Fremont County
: Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Shenandoah Community School District to issue up to $14.7 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition IC: - This measure would authorize the Sidney Community School District to issue up to $10 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Hamilton County
: Public Measure JA: - This measure would authorize the Osage Community District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $.77 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
: Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Iowa Valley Community College District to issue up to $32 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Jasper County
: Proposition LL: - This measure would authorize the Colfax-Mingo Community School District to issue up to $12 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Jefferson County
: Public Measure MK: - This measure would authorize the Perkin Community School District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $.64 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
Johnson County
: Public Measure MC: - This measure would authorize the Tifflin Public Library District to increase their local tax levy from $.10 to $.27 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax increase would raise annually.
Linn County
City of Center Point
: Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the City to issue up to $2 million in bonds for fire station improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
O'Brien County
City of Archer
: Question QJ: - This measure would authorize the City to impose a property tax levy of $.67 per $1,000 in assessed value for the capital improvement fund. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
: Question QK: - This measure would authorize the City to impose a property tax levy of $.27 per $1,000 in assessed value for the capital improvement fund. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
City of Hartley
: Question QL: - This measure would authorize the City to impose a property tax levy of $.27 per $1,000 in assessed value to increase the operating budget for the Hartley Public Library. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Palo Alto County
: Public Measure EB: - This measure would authorize the Emmetsburg Community District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $.64 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
: Public Measure GT: - This measure would authorize the Graettinger-Terril Community School District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $1 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
Pottawattamie County
City of Oakland
: Question RZ: - This measure would authorize the City to impose a property tax levy of $.27 per $1,000 in assessed value for the Eckels Memorial Library It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Poweshiek County
: Public Measure SF: - This measure would authorize the BGM Community School District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $1.34 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and would be in place for a period of 10 years.
: Public Measure LB: - This measure would authorize the HLV Community School District to impose a plant and equipment tax of $1.34 per $1,000 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise and it would be in place for a period of 10 years.
Union County
City of Creston
: Public Measures UH, UI and UJ: These measures would authorize the City to issue $6 million in bonds. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including principal and interest is undetermined.
Warren County
: Proposition B: - This measure would authorize Warren County to issue up to $3.5 million in bonds for public safety improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Webster County
City of Fort Dodge
: Public Measure: This measure would authorize the City to establish their own government-controlled and operated broadband utility. Once the utility is formed, it can take action to build whatever system it wants, borrow and spend as much as it can raise in debt financing, charge whatever prices it wants, without any more votes from the citizens it is supposed to serve. This would be a government takeover of local internet.
Barton County
City of Hoisington
- Proposition: -This measure would authorize the City to increase the sales tax rate by .50 percentage points for the purpose of improving infrastructure. It is unclear how much revenue this higher sales tax rate would raise in tax annually.
- Proposition: -This measure would authorize the City Claflin to increase the sales tax rate by .50 percentage points for public services funding. It is unclear how much revenue this higher sales tax rate would raise in tax annually and it will expire after 10 years.
Christian County
: Question: - This measure would authorize the Christian County Board of Education to increase property taxes by $.05 per each $100 of assessed property value for school improvements. It is unclear the amount of revenue this measure would raise annually.
: Question 1: - This measure would authorize the state government to issue up to $105 million in bonds to finance transportation infrastructure projects across Maine. If approved, the total debt service cost of this bond, including principal and interest, is estimated to cost more than $130 million over a ten year window. Maine voters have a long history of approving transportation and infrastructure bond initiatives. Over the past twelve years, voters approved nine transportation bond measures totaling $780 million - excluding interest. In fact, in just the last two elections (2017 and 2018), voters approved $210 million in transportation bonds. As of June 30, 2019, Maine had $543.40 million in debt from voter-approved general obligation bonds.
Bonds can be an effective funding mechanism for expensive capital projects, as the cost is spread out over a long period of time. However, bonds can be problematic for taxpayers as the accrued interest on the principal amount makes the total cost far more expensive than the issuance cost. So while there may be an economic benefit today from construction or repairs to infrastructure, it will ultimately leave future taxpayers to cover the cost of the interest and principal.
Allegan County
Salem Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the general ad valorem taxes within the town through 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $830,000 annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Plainwell Community Schools to issue up to $48 million in new bonds for the school improvements. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Saugatuck Public Schools property tax for a period of 3 years. This measure would raise taxes by $3.45 million annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Saugatuck Public Schools property tax for a period of 3 years. This measure would raise taxes by $161,000 annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Hudsonville Public Schools to issue up to $140 million in new bonds for the school improvements. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Thornapple Kellogg School to issue up to $43 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Caledonia Community Schools to impose a property tax for a period of 1 year. This measure would raise taxes by $329,000 annually.
Antrim County
Warner Townships
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Town’s property tax for a period of 4 years. This measure would raise taxes by $32,000 annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Boyne Falls Public Schools property tax for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $507,000 annually.
Barry County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Kalamazoo Regional Education Services Agency to impose a property tax for 20 years. This measure would raise taxes by $8.24 million annually.
Bay County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Reese Public Schools property tax for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $370,000 annually.
Branch County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Coldwater Community Schools property tax for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $876,000 annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Reading Community Schools to issue up to $6.5 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend Tekonsha Community Schools property tax for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $68,000 annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the St. Joseph County Intermediate School District to impose a property tax for 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $2.3 million annually.
Cass County
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Three Rivers Community Schools to issue up to $61 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Calvin Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Town to impose a property tax for 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $215,000 annually.
Clare County
Arthur Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Town to impose a property tax for 2 years. This measure would raise taxes by $38,000 annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Farwell Area Schools to issue up to $20 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Delta County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Bay de Noc Community College District to impose a property tax for 20 years. This measure would raise taxes by $1 million annually.
Bay de Noc Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Town to impose a property tax for 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $44,000 annually.
- Proposal Two: - This measure would authorize the Town to impose a property tax for 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $14,000 annually.
Garden Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to impose a property tax for 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $59,000 annually.
Dickenson County
City of Iron Mountain
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to impose a property tax for 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $131,000 annually.
Emmet County
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize Emmet County to increase the property tax rate for 5 years. This measure would raise taxes by $2.1 million annually.
Carp Lake Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to extend a property tax for 4 years. This measure would raise taxes by $38,000 annually.
- Proposal Two: - This measure would authorize the town to extend a property tax for 4 years. This measure would raise taxes by $38,000 annually.
Genesee County
City of Davidson
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the property tax rate. This measure would raise taxes by $225,000 annually.
Gaines Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the parcel tax by $115 for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $303,000 annually.
Grand Blanc Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 4 years. This measure would raise taxes by $1.39 million annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize Atherton Community Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 8 years. This measure would raise taxes by $1.75 million annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize Birch Run Area Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $295,000 annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize Fenton Area Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 3 years. This measure would raise taxes by $765,000 annually.
Gladwin County
City of Beaverton
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $24,000 annually.
Ingham County
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Dansville Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $200,000 annually.
Kent County
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Sparta Area Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $640,000 annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Cedar Springs Public Schools to issue up to $81 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
City of Grand Rapids
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the City to extend the local property tax rate. This measure would raise taxes by $5 million annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Grandville Public Schools to issue up to $94 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Grandville Public Schools to issue up to $29 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Lowell Charter Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to extend the local property tax rate. This measure would raise taxes by $224,000 annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to impose an income tax. This measure will be a direct tax on all income earned within the city and will have profound negative effects on taxpayers and the local economy.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Grant Public Schools to issue up to $17 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Kent City Community Schools to issue up to $22 million in new bonds for the school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Lenawee County
City of Tecumseh
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $2.5 million in new bonds for local improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Blissfield Community School District to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $627,000 annually.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Whiteford Agricultural School District to issue up to $15.4 million in new bonds for local improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Livingston County
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Brighton Area Schools to issue up to $59 million in new bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Pinckney Community Schools to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 6 years. This measure would raise taxes by $4 million annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Pinckney Community Schools to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 8 years. This measure would raise taxes by $28,000 annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Oakland Community College to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would raise taxes by $45 million annually.
Macomb County
City of Memphis
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 15 years. This measure would raise taxes by $33,000 annually.
City of Sterling Heights
- Proposal One - This measure would authorize the city to extend the local property tax at a reduced rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $11 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Washington Township
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the town to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 20 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.4 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposal A: - This measure would authorize Anchor Bay School District to extend the local property tax rate for a period of 6 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $76,000 annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Eastpointe Schools Proposal: - This measure would authorize Eastpointe Community Schools to impose a local property tax for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.5 million annually.
- Fitzgerald Schools Proposal : - This measure would authorize Fitzgerald Public Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $4.2 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Lakeview Public Schools to issue up to $54 million in new bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Richmond Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Richmond Community Schools to issue up to $38 million in new bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Rochester Schools Proposal: - This measure would authorize Rochester Community School District to impose a local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $7.9 million annually.
- Romeo Schools Proposal: - This measure would authorize Romeo Community Schools to impose a local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $2.4 million annually.
- Romeo Schools Proposal : - This measure would authorize Romeo Community Schools to impose a local property tax rate for a period of 3 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $7.4 million annually.
- South Lake Schools Proposal: - This measure would authorize South Lake Schools to impose a local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $531,000 annually.
- Van Dyke Schools Proposal: - This measure would authorize Van Dyke Public Schools to impose a local property tax rate for a period of 20 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $4.7 annually.
Mason County
: - Local Question A: - This proposal would authorize Kaleva Norman Dickson School District to issue up to $2.7 million in new bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Mecosta County
- Transit Authority Millage Proposal : - This measure would authorize Mecosta Transit Authority to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $986,000 annually.
- Chippewa Hills Proposal: - This measure would authorize Chippewa Hills School District to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.2 million annually.
Menominee County
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the Stephenson Area Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 3 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $250,000 annually.
Meyer Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the general ad valorem taxes within the town through 2022. This measure would raise taxes by $33,000 annually.
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize White Lake Fire Authority to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $781,000 annually.
Oakland County
City of Lathrup Village
: - Local Question A: - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $21.2 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
City of Madison Heights
- Proposal One: - This measure would authorize the city to permanently increase the local property tax rate. This measure would still raise taxes by $4.9 million annually.
City of Pleasant Ridge
- 2019-1: - This measure would authorize the city to renew the local property tax rate. This measure would still raise taxes by $80,000 annually.
City of Rochester Hills
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $4 million annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Berkley School District to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 3 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $287,000 annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Birmingham Public Schools to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $51 million annually.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Huron Valley School District to issue up to $182 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Huron Valley School District to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $2.5 million annually.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Novi Community School District to issue up to $185 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Novi Community School District to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.2 million annually.
Ostego County
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Vanderbilt Area Schools to issue up to $460,000 in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Saginaw County
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Hemlock Public School District to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $611,000 annually.
St. Clair County
Fort Gratiot Township
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 4 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1 million annually.
City of St. Clair
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 20 years. This measure would still raise taxes by an unstated amount annually.
City of Yale
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $96,000 annually.
Washtenaw County
Manchester Township
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $30,000 annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $71,000 annually.
Scio Township
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the town to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. It is unclear how much in tax revenue this measure would raise annually.
City of Ann Arbor
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city’s Public Schools to issue up to $1 billion in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Chelsea School District to issue up to $81 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Napoleon Community Schools to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 4 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.5 million annually.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Van Buren Public Schools to issue up to $35.5 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Wayne County
City of Belleville
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $90,000 annually.
City of Garden City
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to renew the local property tax rate for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.85 million annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to levy a special local property tax rate for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $527,000 annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city’s Public Schools to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.05 million annually.
City of Gibraltar
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the city to permanently levy a local property tax rate. This measure would still raise taxes by $681,000 annually.
City of Plymouth
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $12.3 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
City of Rockwood
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $2 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Crestwood School District to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 16 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $40,000 annually.
City of Dearborn
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $240 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Grosse Pointe Public School System to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $22.3 million annually.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Grosse Pointe Public School System to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $3 million annually.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Melvindale-Northern Allen Park Public Schools to issue up to $38.9 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 10 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.2 million annually.
Wexford County
- Ballot Question: - This measure would authorize the Mesick Consolidated Schools to renew a local property tax levy for a period of 5 years. This measure would still raise taxes by $1.3 million annually.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize McBain Rural Agricultural School to issue up to $14.3 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize Benzie County Central Schools to issue up to $47.85 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Anoka County
: Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Fridley Independent School District No. 14. This tax would generate $959,000 annually.
- Question 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase for residents within the Spring Lake Park Independent School District for a period of ten years. This tax would generate $1.28 million annually.
- Question 2: - This measure would extend a property tax increase for residents within the Spring Lake Park Independent School District for a period of ten years. This tax would generate $1.35 million annually.
- Question 1: - This measure would authorize the White Bear Lake Area Independent School District to issue up to $326 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Benton County
- Question 1: - This measure would authorize the Rice School District to issue up to $37 million in bonds for the construction of a new school. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined. For the owner of a median value home in the district of $182,000, the estimated tax impact would be $6.58 per month, or $79 per year.
Clay County
: Proposed Bond Measure: - This measure would authorize the Ada-Borup School District to issue up to $9 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Dakota County
: Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 196. This tax would raise about $19 million annually.
Hennepin County
: Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 111.
: Question 2: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 111 - Watertown-Mayer to issue up to $25 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 277 - Westonka. This tax would raise about $965,000 annually.
: Question: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 278 - Orono Public Schools. This measure would raise more than $2 million annually.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 728- Elk River. This measure would raise more than $11 million annually.
: Question 2: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 728- Elk River to issue up to $113 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 877 Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose. It is unclear how in revenue this measure will raise annually.
Meeker County
: Question 1: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 423-Hutchinson Public Schools to issue up to $28.8 million in bonds for school improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase for residents within the Independent School District No. 876 Annandale. This tax raises about $1 million annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase for residents within the Independent School District No. 465 Litchfield Public Schools. It is unclear how in revenue this measure raises but it will increase property taxes by $142 per year for a home valued at $137,000, the average-valued home in the district, according to school consultants.
: Question 2: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 465 Litchfield Public Schools to issue up to $33 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined. On an individual basis, it will increase taxes by $128 per year for homes valued at $137,000.
: Question 3: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 465 Litchfield Public Schools to issue up to $11.3 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined. As a result, this will increase taxes by $67 per year for homes valued at $137,000.
Stearns County
: School District Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 743 (Sauk Centre Public Schools) for a period of 6 years. This measure would be a net tax increase of $367,000.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 748 (Sartell-St. Stephen Schools) for a period of 10 years. It is unclear how in revenue this measure will raise annually.
: School District Question 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for residents within the Independent School District No. 2364 (Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa) for a period of 10 years. It is unclear how in revenue this measure will raise annually.
: Question 2: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 2364 (Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa) to issue up to $17 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Question 3: - This measure would authorize the Independent School District No. 2364 (Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa) to issue up to $3 million in bonds for school improvements. Total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Buchanan County
: Question 1: - This measure would extend a .25 percentage point increase to the countywide sales tax and would expire at the end of 2028. This tax raises approximately $3.5 million annually and is used for local economic and infrastructure development. Defeating this measure will be a tax reduction for consumers in the county.
Boone County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase the property tax levy for residents within the New Franklin R-I School District by $1 per $100 of assessed valuation and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue.
Callaway County
: Proposition 1:- This measure would permanently establish a .5 percentage point countywide sales tax to fund public safety programs in the county. This measure would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
: Proposition 2:- This measure would establish a .5 percentage point countywide sales tax to fund the construction of a new jail. This tax would expire in 2041 and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Camden County
- Question 1: - This measure would increase Camden County’s Business District lodging tax on rentals from 3 to 6 percent. It would raise taxes by an undetermined amount and would have no expiration date. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and are discriminatory tax policy.
Cape Girardeau County
: Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Millersville Rural Fire Protection District to issue up to $900,000 in bonds for the construction of a new firehouse. This measure would raise property taxes by an undetermined amount and the cost of debt service, including both interest and principal, is unclear.
Greene County
: Proposition W.G.: - This measure would increase the operating levy of the Walnut Grove School District by $1.0700 from $3.8827, currently, to $4.9527 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for tax year 2020 and can be applied to the assessed valuation for each year thereafter through tax year 2040. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise.
City of Springfield
: Question 1: -This measure would extend a .12 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate and would expire in 2040. It is unclear how much revenue this tax raises annually but its defeat would be a tax cut for consumers in the city.
: Question 2: -This measure would extend a .75 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate and would expire in five years. It is unclear how much revenue this tax raises annually but its defeat would be a tax cut for consumers in the city.
Henry County
City of Tightwad
: Question 1:- This measure would impose a .5 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate. This tax would expire in 2037 and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Jackson County
City of Buckner
: Question 1:- This measure would impose a permanent 1 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
City of Raytown
: Question 1: - This measure would extend a .12 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate and would expire in five years. It is unclear how much revenue this tax raises annually but its defeat would be a tax cut for consumers in the city.
Laclede County
City of Lebanon
: Question 1:- This measure would impose a permanent 1 percentage point increase to the City of Lebanon’s sales tax rate. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Lawrence County
City of Verona
: Question 1:- This measure would impose a permanent .5 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate for transportation purposes. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Lincoln County
: - Proposition J: - This measure would increase operating levy of the Warren County School District by $.16 per $100 of assessed valuation for tax year 2020. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Miller County
- Question 1: - This measure would increase Miller County’s Business District lodging tax on rentals from 5 to 6 percent. It would raise taxes by an undetermined amount and would have no expiration date. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and are discriminatory tax policy.
Morgan County
- Question 1: - This measure would increase Morgan County’s Business District lodging tax on rentals from 3 to 6 percent. It would raise taxes by an undetermined amount and would have no expiration date. Hotel taxes are attractive to local politicians because they are a way to shift the tax burden to “outsiders,” but they are not a stable source of revenue and are discriminatory tax policy.
Newtown County
City of Granby
: Question 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $3.2 million in bonds for the improvements to local wastewater systems. This measure would raise property taxes by an undetermined amount and the cost of debt service, including both interest and principal, is unclear.
City of Joplin
: Proposition B:- This measure would impose a .5 percentage point increase to the city’s sales tax rate for public safety programs. This tax would expire after 12 years and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
City of Neosho
: Use Tax:- This measure would authorize the city to impose a local use tax levied at the same rate as the sales tax. Currently the local sales tax rate is 2.5 percent, so this measure would increase taxes by 2.5 percent. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Village of Stark City
: Question 1:- This measure would impose a permanent .5 percentage point increase to the sales tax rate for general city purposes. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Osage County
: Proposition P: - This measure would impose a .5 percentage point increase to the countywide sales tax rate. This tax would expire in 2030 and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Phelps County
: Proposition 1:- This measure would authorize the county impose a local use tax levied at the same rate as the sales tax. Currently the local sales tax rate is 1.12 percent, so this measure would increase taxes by 1.12 percent. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
St. Charles County
City of Cottleville
: Proposition U:- This measure would authorize the city to impose a local use tax levied at the same rate as the sales tax. Currently the local sales tax rate is 2 percentage points, so this measure would increase taxes by 2 percentage points. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
City of St. Charles
: Proposition U:- This measure would authorize the city to impose a local use tax levied at the same rate as the sales tax. Currently the local sales tax rate is 2 percentage points, so this measure would increase taxes by 2 percentage points. This tax would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
St. Louis County
City of St. Ann
: Proposition 5: - This measure would authorize the city’s Transportation District to increase the sales tax by 1 percentage point for 40 years. It is unclear how much revenue this tax increase would raise.
New Jersey
Bergen County
- Bond Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Saddle River School District to issue up to $2.5 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes for the average property owner by $100 annually for a period of 15 years and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Spending Increase Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Saddle Brook School District to increase spending by $475,000 to pay for salaries and benefits of new teachers. This measure would raise property taxes for the average property owner by $71 annually.
- Tax Levy Proposition: - This measure would increase taxes by $275,000 annually to fund the Mahwah Public Library over a period of 10 years. This measure would raise property taxes for the average property owner by $21 annually.
- Proposal 1: - This measure would permanently increase property taxes for homeowners in the North Arlington School District to pay for teacher salaries and smaller class sizes. This measure would raise property taxes by $1.8 million annually.
- Proposal 2: - This measure would permanently increase property taxes for homeowners in the North Arlington School District to pay for enhanced security measures at local schools. This measure would raise property taxes by $709,000 annually.
- Proposal 3: - This measure would permanently increase property taxes for homeowners in the North Arlington School District to pay for full day pre-K classes. This measure would raise property taxes by $780,000 annually.
Essex County
: Property Tax Levy: - This measure authorizes the county to increase property taxes to fund the Verona open space trust fund. This measure will increase the annual tax bill for property owners by $.02 per $100 per $100 in assessed value. The County estimates it will generate $420,000 in tax revenue. A taxpayer with a home assessed at $430,000, the median price in the area, will pay an additional $86 in property tax annually.
: - Proposal 1 and 2: - These proposals would authorize the Board of Education of Verona Township to issue up to $27.5 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. Together, the initiatives would cost the average homeowner $18 a month, or $217 a year and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Morris County
: - Proposal 1 and 2: - These proposals would authorize the Board of Education of the Borough of Florham Park to issue up to $24.8 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. Together, the initiatives would cost a homeowner with a $683,000 home about $127 a year and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Local Questions No. 1: - This question will raise property taxes by $35,000 a year.
Burlington County
Town of Easthampton
: Local Question No. 1: - This measure authorizes the Town to continue to levy a special property tax to fund the open space trust fund for a period of 20 years. It is unclear how much revenue this tax raises annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Camden County
: School Board Proposal: - This measure would authorize the Collingswood Board of Education to increase property taxes by $225,000 annually.
: - Fire District Proposal: - This proposal would authorize the Fire District of the Town of Winslow to issue up to $2.5 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise annually and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Cape May County
City of Sea Isle
: Local Question 1: - This measure would authorize the City to issue up to $5 million in bonds to fund the construction of a swimming pool. This measure would increase property taxes by $108 per homeowner for an unknown number of years and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Hunterdon County
: - Proposal 1 and 2: - These proposals would authorize the Board of Education of the Flemington-Rapitan Regional S School District to issue up to $42 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. Should both referendum questions be approved, the property tax impact in Flemington would be 4.3 cents per $100 of a property’s assessed value, or $43 per $100,000 of assessed value each year for 20 years.
Middlesex County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently increase property taxes for homeowners in the Metuchen School District to pay for mental health services. This measure would raise property taxes by $700,000 annually.
City of New Brunswick
: Property Tax Levy: - This measure authorizes the City to increase property taxes to fund the open space trust fund. This measure will increase the annual tax bill for property owners by $.01 per $100 in assessed value. The county estimates this tax increase will raise property taxes by $27 per year per property. It is unclear how much revenue this measure will raise in total.
Township of South Brunswick
: Property Tax Levy: - This measure authorizes the Town to increase property taxes from $.04 to $.07 per $100 in assessed property value to fund the open space trust fund. It is unclear how much revenue this measure will raise in total.
Monmouth County
: - Bond Proposals 1 - 3: - These proposals would authorize the Board of Education of the Freehold Regional High School District to issue up to $42 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bond Proposal: - This proposal would authorize the Board of Education of the Borough of Red Bank to issue up to $6.5 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bond Proposal: - This proposal would authorize the Board of Education of the Borough of Rumson to issue up to $25.7 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes this measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Ocean County
Borough of Beach Haven
: - Proposed Tax Levy: - This proposal would authorize the Borough of Beach Haven to impose a property tax of $.01 per $100 in assessed value for the purpose of an open space trust fund. It is unclear how much in property taxes this tax would raise.
Borough of Lavallette
: - Local Question 1: - This proposal would authorize the Board of Education of the Borough of Lavallette to issue up to $2.2 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Warren County
: School Board Proposal: - This measure would authorize the North Warren Regional School District to permanently increase property taxes by $200,000 annually.
Town of Hackettstown
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize the Board of Education of the Town of Hackettstown to issue up to $4 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Township of Oxford
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize the Board of Education of the Township of Oxford to issue up to $2 million in new bonds for improvements to local schools. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
North Carolina
Cleveland County
- Proposition: - This measure would impose a .25 percentage point increase to the County’s sales tax rate for an undetermined amount of time. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Durham County
City of Durham
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $95 million in new bonds for the construction of affordable housing units. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Forsyth County
City of High Point
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $22 million in new bonds for the transportation improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $21.5 million in new bonds for parks and recreation. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the city to issue up to $6.5 million in new bonds for the construction of affordable housing units. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Johnson County
Town of Clayton
: - Bonding Proposal : - This proposal would authorize the town to issue up to $18 million in new bonds for municipal buildings improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Mecklenburg County
- Proposition: - This measure would impose a .25 percentage point increase to the County’s sales tax rate from 7.25 to 7.5 percent. This measure would raise $50 million annually.
Adams County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize Adams County to impose a countywide property tax for the purpose of 9-1-1 operating systems. This tax would be in place for 5 years and would raise an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
Town of Bratton
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Town of Bratton’s property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Green Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Green Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Manchester Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Manchester Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Manchester Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently extend the Manchester Village property tax. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Peebles Village
- Proposed Tax Levy 1 - 3: - These measures would renew 3 separate property taxes for residents within the Village of Peebles. It is unclear how much in revenue these taxes will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Oliver Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Oliver Township property tax for 3 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
West Union Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Village of West Union to impose a property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually
Wayne Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Wayne Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Winchester Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Winchester property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Village of Winchester to impose an additional property tax of 1.5 mills for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Allen County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Allen County property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Marion Township
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Marion Township Fire District to impose a new property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Ashtabula County
- 1 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Ashtabula County property tax to fund the Ashtabula County Board of Developmental Disabilities for 7 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 2 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Ashtabula County property tax to fund Ashtabula County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 26 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Ashtabula County property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 27 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently extend an Ashtabula County Library District property tax. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 28 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Ashtabula County property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 29 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Ashtabula Township Park District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Andover Township
- 3 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Andover Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 4 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend an Andover Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Ashtabula Township
- 5 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Ashtabula Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 40 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the City of Ashtabula to impose property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Austinburg Township
- 6 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Austinburg Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Colebrook Township
- 8 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Colebrook Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 9 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Colebrook Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 10 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Colebrook Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Denmark Township
- 11 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Denmark Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 12 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Denmark Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Hartsgrove Township
- 15 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Hartsgrove Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Kingsville Township
- 16 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Kingsville Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Lenox Township
- 17 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Lenox Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Morgan Township
- 18 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Morgan Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 19 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a Morgan Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Pierpont Township
- 20 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the Pierpont Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Plymouth Township
- 21 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Plymouth Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Saybrook Township
- 22 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Unincorporated Areas of Saybrook Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 39 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Saybrook Township Fire District property taxmills taxmils tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Wayne Township
- 23 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Wayne Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Williamsfield Township
- 24 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Williamsfield Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Windsor Township
- 25 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Windsor Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Conneaut Township
- 30 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Conneaut Area City School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 31 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Conneaut Township Park District to impose property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- 41 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently authorize the City of Conneaut to impose a property tax. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Geneva City
- 32 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Geneva Union Cemeteries District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 33 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Geneva Area City School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 42 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize Geneva on the Lake Village to impose property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Grand Valley
- 34 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Grand Valley Local School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 35 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently authorize the Jefferson Area Local School District to impose mils. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- 36 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the Jefferson Village – Jefferson Township Joint Union Cemetery District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 37 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently authorize the Jefferson Area Local School District to impose mils. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- 43 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Jefferson Village property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Rock Creek
- 38 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the Rock Creek Public Library District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Pymatuning Valley
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Pymatuning Valley Local School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
North Kingsville
- 44 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village Of North Kingsville property tax for 4 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Roaming Shores
- 45 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize Roaming Shores Village to impose a property tax for 3 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Athens County
- 16 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the County of Athens property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 17 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the County of Athens property tax for 10 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 18 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the County of Athens property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 19 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the County of Athens property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 20 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the County of Athens property tax for 10 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 21 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the County of Athens property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 22 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the County of Athens to impose a .25 percentage point increase to the sales tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- 27 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the Village of Albany property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Alexander Township
- 1 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Alexander property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 2 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently extend the Township of Alexander property tax. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 3 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Alexander property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 26 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Amesville property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Bern Township
- 4 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Bern Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Carthage Township
- 5 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Town of Carthage property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Lee Township
- 6 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Lee Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Lodi Township
- 7 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Lodi property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 8 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Lodi property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Rome Township
- 9 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Rome property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 10 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Rome property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Trimble Township
- 11 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Trimble property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Troy Township
12 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Troy property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 13 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Troy property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Waterloo Township
- 14 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Waterloo property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
York Township
- 15 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the York Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear who much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 24 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the City of Nelsonville property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Auglaize County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Cridersville property tax for 4 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
New Bremen
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of New Bremen property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Duchouquet property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of German property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Noble property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Marion Local School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Belmont County
Martin’s Ferry
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the City of Martin’s Ferry property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut..
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Bridgeport Exempted Village School District’s property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Bridgeport Exempted Village School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Holloway Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Holloway Village’s property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Flushing Township’s property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently extend Goshen Township’s property tax. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Kirkwood Township’s property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Shadyside Local School District’s property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Shadyside Local School District’s property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Shadyside Local School District’s property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Mead Township’s property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Pease Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Jefferson County Joint Vocational School District’s property tax rate for 7 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Wayne Township’s property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Brown County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington Local School District property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Western Brown Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Byrd Township property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Clark Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Village of Aberdeen property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Fayetteville property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Fayetteville property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Decrease to Tax Levy: - This measure would slightly decrease the Village of Georgetown’s property tax.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Perry property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Township of Pike property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Ripley property tax rate for 10 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Sardinia property tax rate for 10 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Carroll County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Carrollton School Fire District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Carroll County Park District to impose a higher property tax for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize the Great Trail Joint Fire District to impose a higher property tax for 10 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Sandy Creek Joint Fire District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Southern Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Southern Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Edison Local School District property tax rate for 7 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Village of Aberdeen property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Magnolia property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Minerva property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Champaign County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently extend an increase to the Urbana City School District property tax. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Graham Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Mechanicsburg Public Library District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Bond Issue - This measure would authorize the Triad Local School District to issue up to $3.9 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the West Liberty-Salem Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Jackson Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Johnson Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Mad River
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Mad River Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Mechanicsburg property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Rush Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Union Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Union Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Clark County
- 16 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Springfield City School District property tax rate for 10 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 15 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Tecumseh Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually but its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 14 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Tecumseh Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises $2.1 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 17 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Southeastern Local School District property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 20 Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would extend a .5 percentage point tax on income earned within the City of Carlisle. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 18 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Clifton property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 19 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Clifton property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 21 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Enon property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 3 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the German Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 4 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the German Township property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- 9 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Green Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 5 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Harmony Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 11 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend and increase the Madison Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 1 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Moorefield Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 2 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Moorefield Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Pleasant Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 6 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Springfield Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 7 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Springfield Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- 8 Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Springfield Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Clinton County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Clinton County Joint Recreation District property tax rate for 30 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Lynchburg Area Joint Fire & Ambulance District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently increase the Clinton Highland Joint Fire District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Port William-Liberty Township Joint Fire and EMS District property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Bond Issue - This measure would authorize the Port William-Liberty Township Joint Fire and EMS District to issue up to $1.5 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would enact a 1 percentage point tax on income earned within the Blanchester Local School District for a period of 5 years. This tax would raise $1.4 million annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Village of Blanchester property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would permanently increase the SRWW Joint Fire District #2 property tax rate for 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Columbiana County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the East Liverpool City School District property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises more than $1 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a 1 percentage point increase to Columbiana County’s sales tax rate for another 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the General Health District of Columbiana County property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would enact a .50 percentage point tax on income earned within the West Branch Local School District for a period of 3 years. This tax would raise about $900,000 annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Butler Township’s property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
East Palestine Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the East Palestine Village property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would enact a .50 percentage point tax on income earned within the East Palestine City School District for a period of 5 years. This tax would raise $626,000 annually.
- Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would enact a .50 percentage point tax on income earned within the Village of Lisbon for an undetermined amount of time. This tax would raise an estimated $383,000 annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Elkrun Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Elkrun Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Franklin Township Fire District property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Hanover Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Hanover Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Rogers Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Rogers Village property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Salem City School District property tax rate for 10 years. This tax raises more than $2.1 million annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
- Proposed Income Tax: - This measure would enact a .25 percentage point tax on income earned within the City of Salem for a period of 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually.
St. Clair
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the St. Clair Township property tax rate for 7 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Washington Township-Highlandtown Fire District property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Wellsville Village
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would increase the Wellsville Village property tax rate for 7 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Yellow Creek
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend the Yellow Creek Township property tax rate for 5 years. This tax raises an undetermined amount of revenue annually and its defeat will result in a tax cut.
Philadelphia County
NO: Proposed Capital Bond Question: - This measure would authorize the City of Philadelphia to issue up to $185 million in bonds for road improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Bucks County
Solebury Township
NO: Open Space Debt Referendum: - This measure would authorize Solebury Township to issue up to $12 million in bonds for the acquisition of public spaces. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition 2: - This measure proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing the Texas Water Development Board to issue up to $200 million in general obligation bonds for the economically distressed areas program. These bonds can only be used to provide financing for the development of water supply and sewer service projects in those economically distressed areas as defined by law. The total amount of debt service, including the principal and interest, is unclear. If the Economically Distressed Areas Program is in need of an additional $200 million in funding, this should be appropriated out of general revenue rather than increasing the debt burden on Texas citizens by issuing new general obligation bonds.
Bonds can be an effective funding mechanism for expensive capital projects, as the cost is spread out over a long period of time. However, bonds can be problematic for taxpayers as the accrued interest on the principal amount makes the total cost far more expensive than the issuance cost. So while there may be an economic benefit today from construction or repairs to infrastructure, it will ultimately leave future taxpayers to cover the cost of the interest and principal.
: Proposition 4: - This measure would codify into the state constitution language prohibiting the state from levying an income tax. Plain and simple: if a majority of voters vote in favor of this constitutional amendment, it means under no circumstances could lawmakers impose a tax on individual income. While it’s true that Texas is one of a handful of states that doesn’t already have an income tax, that doesn’t mean one couldn’t be imposed in the future. As we’ve seen on numerous occasions in other states, politicians often try to place new burdens on taxpayers to finance expensive projects and other government programs. With large spending increases on the agenda of many big government politicians, it will be increasingly difficult to hold the line on taxes. That’s why inoculating taxpayers against future tax increases is the responsible thing to do.
Codifying this constitutional provision would send a clear message to current and prospective lawmakers that Texans are serious about low taxes. Its enshrinement will ensure that no matter who controls the Governorship or the State Legislature in the future, taxpayers will never have to worry about having the state take your hard-earned money via an income tax. But most importantly, it will help insulate taxpayers and residents from the devastating consequences that result from tax increases.
To read our full analysis view our opinion piece on our website here.
Anderson County
- Proposition A - This measure would authorize the Westwood Independent School District to issue up to $40 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Atascosa County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Somerset Independent School District to issue up to $20 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Bastrop County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Colony Municipal Utility District to issue up to $50 million in bonds for facility upgrades. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Colony Municipal Utility District to issue up to $10 million in bonds for parks and recreational facilities. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Colony Municipal Utility District to issue up to $89.3 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage facility upgrades. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Colony Municipal Utility District to place a tax of up to $1 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would impose a sales tax rate of up to 2 percent on purchases within the Bastrop-Travis Counties shared Emergency District. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise.
Bee County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Beeville Independent School District to issue up to $38 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Bell County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Gatesville Independent School District to issue up to $9.9 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Bexar County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 4 to increase the sales tax rate by up to 1.5 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Bexar County Emergency Services District No. 11 to increase the sales tax rate by up to 1.5 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
City of Hill Country Village
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $8.5 million in bonds for new sidewalks and drainage improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: -This measure would extend the city’s temporary sales tax rate of .25 percentage points until 2023. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax rate raises in tax each year, but its defeat will result in a tax cut for consumers in the county.
- Proposition C: -This measure would increase the city’s sales tax rate by .50 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax rate raises in tax each year.
City of Sandy Oaks
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $800,000 in bonds for new sidewalks and drainage improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Brazoria County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Angleton Independent School District to issue up to $90 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Columbia-Brazoria Independent School District to issue up to $11.5 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $247 million in bonds for wastewater, sewage, and drainage improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $23 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $81.6 million in bonds for road construction. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District to place a maintenance tax of up to $1.50 per every $100 valuation of taxable property. This measure would raise an undetermined amount of revenue.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District to place a maintenance tax of up to $.25 per every $100 valuation of taxable property. This measure would raise an undetermined amount of revenue.
Brazos County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Brazos County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $235.6 million in bonds for wastewater, sewage, and drainage improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Brazos County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $104 million in bonds for road construction. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Burnet County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Burnet Consolidated Independent School District to issue up to $33.1 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Granite Shoals
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $7 million in bonds for groundwater facility improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Caldwell County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Caldwell County Emergency Services District No. 3 to increase the sales tax rate by up to 1.5 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
- Bond Petition: - This measure would authorize the Lockhart Consolidated Independent School District to issue up to $92 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Caldwell County Municipal Utility District to place a maintenance tax of up to $1 per every $100 valuation of taxable property. This measure would raise an undetermined amount of revenue.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Caldwell County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $225 million in bonds for wastewater, sewage, and drainage improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Caldwell County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $145 million in bonds for roads. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Prairie Lea Consolidated Independent School District to issue up to $8 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Cameron County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Cameron County to impose a 2 percentage point increase to the local sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Santa Maria Independent School District to issue up to $3.5 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Cass County
City of Queen City
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to impose a .25 percentage point increase to the local sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
Chambers County
City of Beach City
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to impose a 1.25 percentage point increase to the local sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
Cherokee County
- Special Election: - This measure would authorize the Alto Independent School District to issue up to $10.5 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Clay County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Bellevue Independent School District to issue up to $4.5 million in bonds for new school improvements. This measure would raise property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Collin County
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Collin County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $204 million in bonds for roads. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Collin County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $306 million in bonds for rural roads. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the City of Lowry Crossing to increase the local sales tax by .25 percentage points to the local sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
Colorado County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Weimar Independent School District to issue up to $9 million in bonds for school facility improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Comal County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Comal County Emergency Services District to increase the ad valorem tax rate from $.08 per $100 in assessed valuation to $.10.
Concho County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Weimar Independent School District to issue up to $25 million in bonds for school facility improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Dallas County
Addison Township
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $22 million in bonds for road improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $33.6 million in bonds for road improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $6.7 million in bonds for parks and recreation. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $7.3 million in bonds for administrative facilities. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $600,000 in bonds for traffic control. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Coppell
- Proposition A: - This measure would extend the city’s local sales tax by .25 percentage points for another 4 years. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
City of Ovilla
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $2.9 million in bonds for city hall improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $2.2 million in bonds for public safety improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $680,000 in bonds for parks and recreation. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A:- This measure would increase property taxes by $750,000 annually for resident within the Sunnyvale Independent School District.
Deaf Smith County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Deaf Smith County to issue up to $36 million in bonds for the construction of a new law enforcement center. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Denton County
- Proposition 1 - 4: - These measures would authorize Denton County to issue up to $221.6 million in new bonds for a myriad of projects across the county. These measures would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Ellis County
City of Ennis
: Proposition A: - This measure would extend an increase to the city’s sales tax for another 20 years. It is unclear what this rate will be and how much revenue it raises annually.
El Paso County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Lower Valley Water District to issue up to $27.5 million in bonds for system improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Bond Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Ysleta Independent School District to issue up to $425 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of El Paso
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $413 million in bonds for public safety improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Fort Bend County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the County of Fort Bend to issue up to $83 million in bonds for flood control improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $10 million in bonds for roads. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $70 million in bonds for wastewater system improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Sugarland
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $47 million in bonds for drainage improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $26 million in bonds for public safety improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $10.2 million in bonds for drainage and street lighting improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $6.6 million in bonds for animal country facilities This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County to issue $3.5 billion in new bonds. These bonds would not result in a tax increase.
- Proposition B: - This measure would allow the Willow Creek Farms Municipal Utility District to increase property taxes by $.10 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $26.6 million in bonds for drainage improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Frio County
- Schools Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Pearsall Independent School District to issue up to $12.2 million in bonds for school improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Galveston County
- Proposition A-D: - These measures would authorize the Galveston County Municipal Utility District to issue up to $456 million in bonds for system improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Propositions A and B: - These measures would authorize the Galveston County Water Control District to issue up to $23 million in bonds for system improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Friendswood
- Proposition A-F: - These measures would authorize the city to issue up to $76.7 million in bonds for a myriad of city improvements. This measure would levy increase the ad valorem tax by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Gray County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Lefors Independent School District to issue up to $3 million in bonds for schools . This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Grayson County
- Propositions A - E: - These measures would authorize the Van Alstyne Municipal Utility District to issue up to $1.6 billion in bonds for system improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Gunter
- Proposition A: - This measure would increase the city’s sales tax rate by .50 percentage points, with all revenue used for property tax reductions. Voters should be considered that consumers of all income levels will be paying for something they might not benefit from if they are not property owners.
City of Sherman
- Proposition A: - This measure would increase the city’s local sales tax by .12 percentage points for 4 years. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Denison Independent School District to issue up to $20.8 million in bonds for schools. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Gregg County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Gregg County Emergency Services District to increase the local sales tax by 1.25 percentage points to the local sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this sales tax increase would raise each year.
Hardin County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Lumberton Independent School District to issue up to $78.8 million in bonds for school. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - These measures would authorize the Lumberton Municipal Utility District to issue up to $453 million in bonds for wastewater system improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Harris County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Bilma Utility District to issue up to $8.5 million in bonds for parks and recreation. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Encanto Real Utility District to issue up to $75 million in bonds for sewers and wastewater systems. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: - Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Emergency Services District 60 to increase the ad valorem tax on property. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
: - Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1A to increase the ad valorem tax on property. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Improvement District No. 25 to issue up to $7.5 million in bonds for recreation facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Improvement District No. 25 to issue up to $15 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Improvement District No. 25 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Improvement District No. 25 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $.25 per $100 in assessed property value to fund road maintenance facilities. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 25 to issue up to $15.7 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 25 to levy an ad valorem tax on property. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 33 to issue up to $12 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 165 to issue up to $210 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 160 to issue up to $45.7 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 518 to issue up to $185 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 518 to issue up to $46.2 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 518 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 540 to issue up to $215 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 540 to issue up to $30 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 540 to issue up to $35 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 540 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 540 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $.25 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to issue up to $255 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to issue up to $40 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to issue up to $20.1 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition G: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 565 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $.10 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Harris County Water Control and Improvement District No. 113 to issue up to $25 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Katy Management District No. 1 to issue up to $20 million in bonds for wastewater and sewer systems improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Katy Management District No. 1 to issue up to $25 million in bonds for recreation improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Katy Management District No. 1 to issue up to $25 million in bonds for road improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Katy Management District No. 1 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $1 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Katy Management District No. 1 to levy an operation and maintenance tax of $.25 per $100 in assessed property value to fund roadway improvements. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Newport Municipal Utility District to issue up to $70 million in bonds for sewers and wastewater systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Northwood Municipal Utility District to issue up to $20 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Spring Meadows Municipal Utility District to issue up to $47 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Westlake Municipal Utility District No. 1 to issue up to $17 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Harrison County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Hallsville Independent School District to issue up to $55 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Hallsville Independent School District to issue up to $3 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Hays County
: Proposition B:- This measure would authorize the Headwaters Municipal Utility District to issue up to $138.5 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Hill County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Hillsboro Independent School District to issue up to $29.8 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Covington Independent School District to issue up to $5.75 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the West Independent School District to issue up to $21.5 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Hopkins County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Cumby Independent School District to issue up to $6 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Jack County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Graford Independent School District to issue up to $49 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Johnson County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Alvarado Independent School District to issue up to $11 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition: - This measure would impose a .5 percentage point increase to the City of Grandview’s sales tax rate for a period of 4 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the City of Joshua to issue up to $3.9 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Kaufman County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Kaufman County to issue up to $104 million in bonds for road improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize Kaufman County to issue up to $50 million in bonds for law enforcement improvements. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Kaufman County Assistance District No. 3 to impose a sales tax rate of 2 percentage points. It is unclear for how this tax would be in place or how much it would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Forney Independent School District to issue up to $623 million in bonds for new school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Kaufman County Emergency Services District No. 6 to impose a property tax. It is unclear for how this tax would be in place or how much it would raise annually.
Kendall County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Comfort Independent School District to issue up to $37 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Lee County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Dime Box Independent School District to issue up to $3 million in bonds for undetermined purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Liberty County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Liberty County Emergency Services District No. 7 to increase the sales tax rate of by .50 percentage points. It is unclear for how this tax would be in place or how much it would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Cleveland Independent School District to issue up to $198 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Lipscomb County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Darrouzett Independent School District to issue up to $2 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Llano County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Burnet Consolidated Independent School District to issue up to $33 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Lynn County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Wilson Independent School District to issue up to $7.6 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
McLennan County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the County to issue up to $15 million in bonds for the local zoo. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Midway Independent School District to issue up to $148 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Montgomery County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Conroe Independent School District to issue up to $653 million in bonds for the construction of new school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Conroe Independent School District to issue up to $23.9 million in bonds for the construction of new school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Conroe Municipal Management District No. 2
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $82 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $42 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $15 million in bonds for park and recreations. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Conroe MUD to levy a maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the MUD to levy a maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value for roadways. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 16
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $25 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $19 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 173
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $62 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $32 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the MUD to issue up to $11.8 million in bonds for parks and recreation. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the MUD to levy a maintenance tax of $1.50 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the MUD to levy a maintenance tax of $.10 per $100 in assessed property value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise.
Moore County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Dumas Independent School District to issue up to $107 million in bonds for the construction of new school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Sunray Independent School District to issue up to $9.5 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Nueces County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Nueces County Drainage District No. 2 to issue up to $9.5 million in bonds for wastewater systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Nueces County Emergency Services District No. 2 to increase the local property tax levy. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Parker County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1 to increase the local sales tax rate by 1 percentage point, from .5 to 1.5 percent. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Aledo Independent School District to issue up to $150 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Azle Independent School District to issue up to $80 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Brock Independent School District to issue up to $21 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Rusk County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Rusk County Emergency Services District No. 1 to impose a sales tax at a rate of 2 percent. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Sherman County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Gruver Independent School District to issue up to $7.2 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Smith County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Smith County Emergency Services District No. 1 to impose a sales tax at a rate of 2 percent. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
Tarrant County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Tarrant County Community College District to issue up to $825 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Town of Flower Mound
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the town to renew a .25 sales tax increase. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
City of Keller
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the city to renew a .25 sales tax increase. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Everman Independent School District to issue up to $40 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Keller Independent School District to issue up to $315 million in bonds for school facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Karis Municipal Management District
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Karis MMD to issue up to $116 million in bonds for wastewater systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Karis MMD to issue up to $112 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Karis MMD to issue up to $116 million in bonds for wastewater systems. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Karis MMD to issue up to $112 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Karis MMD to issue up to impose an operations property tax at an unlimited rate. It is unclear what this rate may be or how much in tax it will raise.
Travis County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Del Valle Independent School District to issue up to $284 million in bonds for schools. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Manor Independent School District to issue up to $280 million in bonds for schools. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Brickston Municipal Utility District
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Brickston MUD to issue up to $187 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to issue up to $215 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to issue up to $96 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to issue up to $111 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition G: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to issue up to $22.7 million in bonds for Recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition H: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to issue up to $27 million in bonds for park facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition I: - This measure would authorize the Brickston Municipal Utility District to impose a local maintenance tax of $1.10 per $100 in assessed value. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the West Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 7 to impose a local maintenance tax of $1 per $100 in assessed value. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the West Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 7 to issue up to $31.5 million in bonds for wastewater facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the West Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 7 to issue up to $2.1 million in bonds for park facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the West Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 7 to issue up to $51 million in bonds for wastewater facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Wilbarger Creek Municipal Utility District No. 2 to issue up to $44 million in bonds for roadway purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Wilbarger Creek Municipal Utility District No. 2 to issue up to $66.6 million in bonds for roadway purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Travis County Water Control and Improvement District to issue $14 million in bonds. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Tyler County
: Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the City of Ivanhoe’s to impose a sales tax at a rate of 1.5 percent. It is unclear what this rate will be and how much revenue it raises annually.
Val Verde County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the San Felipe Del Rio Consolidated Independent School District to issue $19 million in bonds. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Walker County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Walker County Emergency Services District No. 3 to impose a property tax at a rate of $.10 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise annually.
Waller County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Waller Independent School District to issue $295 million in bonds. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Royal Independent School District to issue $35 million in bonds. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Wichita County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the City of Wichita Falls to increase the short-term rental tax by 2 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise annually.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the City of Wichita Falls to increase the short-term rental tax by 2 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this measure would raise annually.
Williamson County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the County to issue $412 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the County to issue $35 million in bonds for parks. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Coupland Independent School District to issue $5 million in bonds for schools. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Cool Water Municipal Utility District to issue $219 million in bonds for wastewater and Drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Cool Water Municipal Utility District to impose a property tax rate at $1 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise annually.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Cool Water Municipal Utility District to issue $11.5 million in bonds for wastewater and Drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Cool Water Municipal Utility District to issue $346 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to impose a property tax rate at $1.50 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise annually.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to issue $122 million in bonds for wastewater and Drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to issue $32 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to issue $9.1 million in bonds for parks. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to issue $196 million in bonds for wastewater and Drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition G: - This measure would authorize the Berry Creek Highlands Municipal Utility District to issue $48 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the North San Gabriel Municipal Utility District to issue $227.5 million in bonds for wastewater and Drainage. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the North San Gabriel Municipal Utility District to issue $10.4 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the North San Gabriel Municipal Utility District to issue $67 million in bonds for roads. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the North San Gabriel Municipal Utility District to impose a property tax rate at $1.20 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise annually.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the North San Gabriel Municipal Utility District to impose a property tax rate at $.25 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise annually.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Round Rock Municipal Utility District to issue $30 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition D: - This measure would authorize the Round Rock Municipal Utility District to issue $34 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Round Rock Municipal Utility District to issue $27.8 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition F: - This measure would authorize the Round Rock Municipal Utility District to issue $32 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition E: - This measure would authorize the Round Rock Municipal Utility District to impose a property tax rate at $1.20 per $100 in assessed value. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax would raise annually.
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize the Williamson County Municipal Utility District to issue $160.8 million in bonds for wastewater and drainage purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition B: - This measure would authorize the Williamson county Municipal Utility District to issue $79.8 million in bonds for recreational facilities. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition C: - This measure would authorize the Williamson county Municipal Utility District to issue $141 million in bonds for unknown purposes. This measure would increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Wilson County
- Proposition A: - This measure would authorize Wilson County to impose a 1 percent sales tax. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise or for how long it will be in place.
Campbell County
: Referendum 1: - This measure would authorize the Timberlake Watershed Improvement District to impose a new tax. It is unclear how much revenue this tax may raise.
: Referendum 1: - This measure would authorize the Timberlake Watershed Improvement District to issue new bonds. It is unclear how much in bonds this measure would issue.
Charlotte County
: Referendum on Levy of Local Food and Beverage Tax: - This measure would increase Charlotte County’s food and beverage tax by 4 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise annually.
Columbiana County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would extend a 1 percentage point increase to Columbiana County’s sales tax rate for another 5 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this tax will raise annually.
Fairfax County
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Fairfax Public Schools to issue up to $360 million in new bonds for improvements. It is unclear how much in property taxes these measures would raise and the total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Halifax County
- Proposed Tax Levy: - This measure would authorize Halifax County to impose a 1 percentage point increase to the sales tax rate for a period of 30 years. This new tax will raise more than $3 million annually for school improvements.
Loudoun County
: - Local Questions 1-4: - These proposals would authorize the county to issue $215 million in new bonds for improvements to schools, public safety, and transportation. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Patrick County
: Referendum on Levy of Local Food and Beverage Tax: - This measure would increase Patrick County’s food and beverage tax by 4 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise annually.
Prince William County
: - Local Questions 1 and 2: - These proposals would authorize the county to issue $396 million in new bonds for capital improvements. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Shenandoah County
: Referendum on Levy of Local Food and Beverage Tax: - This measure would increase Shenandoah County’s food and beverage tax by 4 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise annually.
Strafford County
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Strafford County to issue up to $50 million in new bonds for large transportation improvements. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
Sussex County
: Referendum on Levy of Local Food and Beverage Tax: - This measure would increase Sussex County’s food and beverage tax by 4 percentage points. It is unclear how much revenue this tax would raise annually.
Washington County
: - Local Question: - This proposal would authorize Washington County to issue up to $30 million in new bonds for the removal and replacement of a courthouse. The total debt service cost, including both principal and interest is undetermined.
REPEAL: Advisory Vote 20: - Advisory Vote 20 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul House Bill 1087, which enacted a .58 percent payroll tax to fund long-term healthcare services. This tax is estimated to generate $1 billion annually from workers to provide up to $36,500 in lifetime benefits for eligible workers to apply to the cost of their long-term care. That lifetime benefit would increase by three percent every year.
This tax is applied to every worker, regardless of income, which would greatly affect lower-income workers who would have to give the state more out of their paychecks each month. For a worker earning $50,000 a year, they will pay nearly $300 in additional tax every year, a significant expense for most average people. By taking more money out of the pockets of hard working Washingtonians, it leaves less money at the end of every month to pay their bills or save for big purchases.
While this vote will not change the law, it will show lawmakers that voters feel taxed enough and they oppose higher taxes..
Repeal: Advisory Vote 23: - Advisory Vote 23 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul House Bill 1873, which enacted a slew of taxes and regulations on vapor and e-cigarette products in Washington state. Tax increases on the sale of e-liquid, harm reduction products, and other-tobacco products is estimated to raise $177 million over the next ten years. These tax increases will hurt small businesses and job creators who sell FDA-approved harm reduction products to legal age consumers.
A recent study has shown vaping can reduce the harm associated with smoking by as much as 95 percent, and can be as much as twice as effective as gum or patches to help users quit. It is growing ever clearer that vapor products are an innovative and effective bridge for smokers transitioning toward significantly less harmful alternatives. For years, government officials have taken steps to reduce the prevalence of tobacco usage, and the free market has produced a solution to address this serious problem. Support for policies that raise barriers for people to access healthier alternative will simply derail efforts to lower health care costs and disincentivize consumers to move away from harmful cigarettes.
REPEAL: Advisory Vote 24: - Advisory Vote 24 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul House Bill 2158, which increased the Business and Occupation tax from 1.5 percent to 1.8 percent of gross revenues. This tax hike is estimated to generate more than $2.25 billion over the next decade - a significant tax increase that will affect most - if not all businesses in Washington. Revenue raised by this tax increase will go to a special account to pay for expanded higher education programs, including free tuition for families making up to $50,000 a year.
Service businesses, such as legal, insurance, engineering, and smaller software companies will have to pay a 20 percent surcharge on their current business taxes. Large computing companies with worldwide gross incomes of $25 billion to $100 billion will pay 33 percent on top of their current rate. Hi-tech and software companies with gross global income of over $100 billion are charged 66.7 percent above their current rate.
Taking capital out of businesses - particularly small businesses - makes it more difficult for them to invest in new equipment, raise wages, hire new workers, or further expand their business.
: Advisory Vote 25: - Advisory Vote 24 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul House Bill 2167, which increased the Business and Occupation tax from 1.5 percent to 2.7 percent of gross revenues on financial institutions with more than $1 billion in net income. This tax hike is estimated to generate more than $1 billion over the next decade and is unlikely to hit any Washington-state based financial institution as none meet the current threshold. This is simply another example of state lawmakers using their tax authority to hit businesses based outside their state boundaries.
Repeal: Advisory Vote 26: - Advisory Vote 26 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul Senate Bill 5881, which requires out-of-state companies to collect and remit sales tax to the states if they have more than $100,000 in gross receipts in the state. The provisions are anticipated to generate $1.05 billion in additional collections over a decade, though in the early stages, most states are seeing remote sales tax revenue come in below expectations, according to research conducted by the National Taxpayers Union Foundation.
The Supreme Court’s decision in Wayfair had far-reaching consequences. Before the Wayfair ruling in June 2018, states had to respect the precedent established in the 1992 case of Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, which said that a state could not force a business to collect its sales tax unless that business had a physical presence, or “nexus,” in their state—such as a storefront, warehouse, or full-time employees. But in Wayfair, the court threw out this precedent, opening the door for states to impose “economic nexus” taxes on any business that sells into the state, regardless of their location.
That’s had a significant effect on small businesses. Remote retailers that previously remitted sales taxes to a single jurisdiction (or none at all, if located in states without a general sales tax) were suddenly faced with the prospect of having to collect for hundreds or even thousands of the estimated 12,000 jurisdictions nationwide. The added burden of implementing extensive compliance infrastructure throughout one’s small business has left many business owners in a tough position.
Repeal: Advisory Vote 27: - Advisory Vote 27 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul Senate Bill 5993, which raised the state’s oil barrel tax by an estimated $2.7 billion over the next decade. Specifically, SB 5993 replaced the volumetric tax from .07 percent of wholesale value to a flat $1.09 per barrel of oil. This tax is likely to have negative impacts for the economy of Washington while raising costs for consumers across the state.
REPEAL: Advisory Vote 29: - Advisory Vote 29 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul Senate Bill 5998, which replaced the flat real estate excise tax rate with a graduated rate system. This tax change is estimated to generate $1.7 billion over the next decade. The previous flat state tax of 1.28% will be replaced on January 1, 2020, by the following rates: 1.1 percent of selling price less than or equal to $500,000; 1.28 percent – selling price between $500,000 and equal to or less than $1.5 million; 2.75 percent – selling price between $1.5 million and equal to or less than $3 million; 3 percent – selling price above $3 million.
While this tax adjustment does feature a lower tax rate for those sales below $500,000, it will negatively impact sales of more expensive properties, particularly multifamily units and apartment buildings.
REPEAL: Advisory Vote 30: - Advisory Vote 30 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul Senate Bill 5998, which was designed to increase the business and occupation tax on specified tour operators and travel agents. This tax change is estimated to generate $28 million over the next decade.
REPEAL: Advisory Vote 31: -Advisory Vote 31 is a non-binding advisory referendum. If repealed, the Legislature would be advised to annul Senate Bill 6016, which was designed to increase the business and occupation tax on specified international investment management services. This tax change is estimated to generate $368 million over the next decade.
Adams County
: Local Measure: - This measure would authorize the Adams County Fire Protection District No. 4 to increase property taxes by $11,000 annually
: Local Measure: - This measure would authorize the Lamont School District No. 264 to increase property taxes by $40,000 annually.
Asotin County
- Proposition 1: - This measure would permanently increase the county’s sales tax rate by .30 percentage points to pay for city services. It is unclear how much revenue this tax increase will raise annually.
City of Clarkston
: Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the city to increase property taxes by $685,766 annually.
Benton County
- Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the Fire District 1 to issue up to $3 million in bonds for improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Clallam County
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would permanently increase the county’s sales tax rate by .3 percentage points to pay for the construction of affordable housing units. It is unclear how much revenue this tax increase will raise annually.
: Local Measure: - This measure would authorize the Fire District 3 to increase property taxes by an unclear amount annually.
: Local Measure: - This measure would authorize the Fire District 4 to increase property taxes by an unclear amount annually.
Clark County
City of Camas
- Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $78 million in bonds for recreational improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Woodlands
- Proposition: - This measure would authorize the city to lift their property tax cap. It would result in a tax increase.
Columbia County
- Proposition: - This measure would authorize Columbia County Flood Control Zone District to levy a property tax.
- Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Prescott Joint Park and Recreation District to increase property taxes. The total amount of increase is unclear.
Cowlitz County
Castle Rock City
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to increase property taxes by $81,000 annually for library expenses.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Longview School District No. 122 to issue up to $119 million in bonds for library improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would allow for the establishment of a rural partial-County Library District which would allow for the levying of taxes.
Douglas County
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Douglas County Hospital District No. 2 to increase property taxes by $70,000 annually for maintenance expenses.
: - Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the Douglas County Cemetery District No. 2 to increase property taxes by $50,000 annually for maintenance expenses.
Ferry County
: - Proposition: - This measure would increase the local sales tax rate and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
: - Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Inchelium School District No. 70 to increase property taxes by $100,000 annually.
Garfield County
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Public Hospital District No. 1 to increase property taxes by $860,000 for one year.
Grant County
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the county to impose a sales tax to fund law enforcement operations and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Commission of Public Hospital District No. 2 to increase property taxes by $875,000 annually.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Grant County Fire Dist #8 to increase property taxes.
City of George
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to impose a sales tax to fund transportation improvements for a period of 10 years and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
Grays Harbor County
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the county to increase the local sales tax rate by .10 percentage points for emergency services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Grays Harbor County Fire Protection District No. 1 to increase property taxes.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Grays Harbor County Fire Protection District No. 12 to increase property taxes for a period of 6 years.
City of Cosmopolis
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $3 million in bonds for new municipal buildings. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Island County
City of Langley
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $4 million in bonds for new municipal buildings. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Oak Harbor
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local sales tax rate by .20 percentage points for transportation services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
Jefferson County
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Fire Protection District No. 4 to issue up to $1.2 million in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Jefferson County Parks & Recreation District No. 1 to increase property taxes for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Coyle-Thorndyke Park and Recreation Dist. No. 1 to increase property taxes for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Port of Port Townsend to issue up to $15 million in bonds for improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Kings County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend the Emergency Medical Services tax for a period of 6 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Renton School District No. 403 to issue up to $250 million in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Skykomish School District No. 404 to increase property taxes by $75,00 annually.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would allow for the establishment of a Proposed Public Hospital District No. 5 which would allow for the levying of taxes.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the Northshore Parks and Recreation Service Area for a period of 6 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the Vashon-Maury Island Park and Recreation District for a period of 4 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually, however, the tax rate of approximately $0.45 per $1,000 of assessed value projected for the first year of collection in 2020 would equate to $225.00 per year (or $18.75 per month) for a $500,000 home.
City of Duvall
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local sales tax rate by .20 percentage points for infrastructure purposes and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
City of Shoreline
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $103.6 million in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined. However, the City estimates the additional annual property tax rate for the owner of a median valued home ($480,000) would be $244 per year, or $20 per month.
Kitsap County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the Kitsap County Fire Protection District No. 18 for a period of 6 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the North Mason Regional Fire Authority to issue up to $10 million in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
City of Bremerton
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the city for a period of 6 years. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
Kittitas County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property tax within the Easton School District No. 28 by $340,000.
Klickitat County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the Klickitat County Fire Protection District No. 6. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would extend a property tax increase within the Public Hospital District No. 2. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
Lewis County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would lift the property tax levy within Lewis County Fire Protection District 17. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property tax within the Riverside Fire Authority by $986,000.
Mason County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would lift the property tax levy within the Mason County Fire Protection District No. 18. It is unclear how much in revenue this measure raises annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property tax within the Pioneer School District No. 402 by $1.1 million annually
Okanogan County
: - Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the county to increase the local sales tax rate by .20 percentage points for emergency services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes.
Town of Conconully
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to issue up to $400,000 in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Pacific County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property tax within the North Pacific Emergency Medical Services District No. 1 by $460,000 annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Pacific County Fire Protection District No. 1 by an unclear amount annually.
City of Long Beach
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to issue up to $600,000 in bonds for general needs. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Pend Orielle County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes for one year within the Sacheen Lake Water and Sewer District by 57,000.
Pierce County
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Puyallup School District No. 3 to issue up to $273 million in bonds for capital improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the White River School District No. 416 by $3.75 million.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners within the Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 13.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners within the Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 21.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners within the Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 23.
City of Dupont
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners.
City of Gig Harbor
: - Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local sales tax rate by .20 percentage points for emergency services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
San Juan County
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners within the County and is expected to generate about $1.7 million annually.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would allow for the establishment of a Shaw Island Park and Recreation District which would allow for the levying of taxes.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Shaw Island Park and Recreation District by $700,000.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap and would increase taxes for homeowners within the Lopez Library District and is expected to generate about $565,000 annually.
: Proposition 1:- This measure would lift the local property tax cap for one year and would increase taxes for homeowners within the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District and is expected to generate about $105,000 annually.
Skagit County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Mount Vernon School District No. 320 by $3 million annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Skagit County Fire Protection District No. 8 by an undetermined amount.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Skagit County Fire Protection District No. 9 by an undetermined amount.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the Skagit County Fire Protection District No. 11 by an undetermined amount.
City of Sedro-Woolley
: Proposition 1: - This measure would increase property taxes within the city by $557,000.
Skamania County
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Skamania County Public Hospital District No. 1 to increase property taxes for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Home Valley Water District No. 1 to increase property taxes by $25 million annually.
City of Stevenson
: - Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the city to increase the local sales tax rate by .10 percentage points for emergency services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
Snohomish County
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Fire Protection District No. 7 to extend a property tax levy for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Fire Protection District No. 21 to extend a property tax levy for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Fire Protection District No. 23 to extend a property tax levy for a period of 6 years.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the North County Regional Fire Authority to extend a property tax levy.
- Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the East County Park and Recreation District to issue up to $26.5 million in bonds for improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the East County Park and Recreation District to increase property taxes to pay for park expenses.
: Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Northshore Park & Recreation Service Area to extend a property tax levy for 6 years
Spokane County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would ensure all collective bargaining negotiations be transparent and open to public observation.
: Proposition 2: - This measure would amend the City charter to prohibit the city from ever imposing a tax on income, wages, salaries, and investments. With large spending increases on the agenda of many big government politicians, it will be increasingly difficult to hold the line on taxes. That’s why inoculating taxpayers against future tax increases is the responsible thing to do.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Cheney School District No. 360 to increase property taxes by $2.1 million for capital improvements.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Mead School District No. 354 to increase property taxes by $7.2 million for capital improvements.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the West Valley School District No. 363 to increase property taxes by $2.65 million for capital improvements.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Rosalia Park & Recreation District No. 5 to increase property taxes by $85,000 for operational expenses of a swimming pool.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Chewelah School District No. 36 to increase property taxes by $390,000 for capital improvements.
Town of Spangle
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $23,000 for fire protection.
: Proposition 2: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $17,000 for police protection.
Thruston County
: - Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize Thurston County to increase the local sales tax rate by .10 percentage points for emergency services and would raise an unclear amount of revenue.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Thurston County Fire Protection District 12 to increase property taxes for operational expenses for 5 years.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Thurston County Fire Protection District 17 to increase property taxes for operational expenses for 5 years.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Tanglewilde Parks and Recreation District to increase property taxes by $88,000 annually. Using $225,000 as an average home value in the district, the total tax levy at $0.60 per thousand dollars of assessed property value would be $135.
Walla Walla County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Prescott Joint Park and Recreation District to increase property taxes by $123,000 for capital improvements.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Waitsburg Park and Recreation District to increase property taxes by $15,000 for capital improvements.
Whatcom County
- Proposition 2019-4: - This measure would authorize the Lynden Regional Park and Recreation District 3 to issue up to $3 million in bonds for improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
Whitman County
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the County to increase property taxes for road maintenance.
- Proposition: - This measure would authorize the Public Hospital District No. 1-A to issue up to $29 million in bonds for improvements. This measure would levy increase property taxes by an unclear amount and total debt service, including both interest and principal is undetermined.
: Proposition 5-2019: - This measure would authorize the Lamont School District No. 264 to increase property taxes by $40,000 annually.
Town of Endicott
: Special Propositions 1 through 3: - These measures would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $34,000 for the purposes of street and park maintenance, and emergency services.
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Endicott Parks & Recreation District No. 7 to increase property taxes by $50,000 annually.
Town of Albion
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $20,000 annually.
Town of Garfield
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $62,000 annually.
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Garfield Park & Recreation District #2 to increase property taxes by $120,000 annually.
Town of Oakesdale
: Special Propositions 1 through 3: - These measures would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $100,000 annually.
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Oakesdale Park and Recreation District No. 41 to increase property taxes by $92,000 annually.
Town of St. John
: Special Propositions 1 and 2: - These measures would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $100,000 annually.
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the St. John Park and Recreation District No. 3 to increase property taxes by $55,000 annually.
Town of Colton
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $30,000 annually for street maintenance.
City of Palouse
: Special Propositions 1 and 2: - These measures would authorize the city to increase property taxes by $78,000 annually.
City of Tekoa
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the city to increase property taxes by $50,000 annually.
Town of Rosalia
: Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the town to increase property taxes by $95,000 annually for street maintenance.
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the LaCrosse Parks and Recreation District 1 to increase property taxes by $65,000 annually.
: Proposition 1: - This measure would lift the property tax cap within the Thornton Cemetery District and would lead to higher taxes.
Yakima County
: Special Proposition 1: - This measure would authorize the Toppenish School District No. 202 to increase property taxes by $1.65 million annually.
Converse County
: Question: - This measure would authorize Converse County to impose a 1 percentage point increase to the sales tax rate. This measure would raise $87,500 annually.