Conservative Groups to Senate: Oppose Rubio-Lee Tax Increase Amendment
Dear Senator:
On behalf of our organizations, we urge you to oppose the Rubio-Lee amendment to H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. While we appreciate the Senators’ efforts to provide additional assistance to working class American families, this amendment takes the wrong approach to doing so. Specifically, the amendment would increase the refundability of the expanded Child Tax Credit and pay for this modification by raising the corporate tax rate from 20 percent to 22 percent. This higher rate would undermine the bill's most critical pro-growth provision, and thereby result in fewer new jobs and smaller pay increases for working families. We urge all Senators to oppose the Rubio-Lee amendment.
National Taxpayers Union
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Family Business Coalition
Institute for Policy Innovation
Center for Individual Freedom
Americans for Tax Reform
Americans for Prosperity
Generation Opportunity
The LIBRE Initiative
ALEC Action
Campaign for Liberty
Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
Freedom Partners Chamber Of Commerce