We’ve already told you what we want from Congress for Christmas and what we personally resolve to do in 2015 but NTU and Foundation staff haven’t given you our hopes for what the incoming Congress will do in the New Year.
As part of our advocacy work, lobbying state and federal lawmakers for lower tax burdens and less overall government, NTU has unique knowledge into what legislators are planning in the coming session as well as how lawmakers are angling to sell their agendas to citizens. The three experts in the Government Affairs department, Brandon, Lee, and Nan, are the scalpels in NTU’s mission to help you keep more of your tax dollars.
Backing up both the advocacy and research branches are some stellar staffers, doing everything from keeping the lights on at NTU Headquarters. If you’re reading a press release or being dazzled by a graphic, you’re seeing the work of Doug, Pete, and/or Tim. When you donate to either NTU or NTUF, your contributions go into the hands of Rick, who is our fundraiser.
Making up the Foundation is me, Demain, and Michael. We are doing the objective research and education programming that gets you the data you need to make the most well-informed decision. When a lawmaker wants a fiscal score of a bill or legislative ideas to help out American taxpayers, we’re on their speed dial. We have a bird’s eye view of the policy landscape as we score thousands of bills introduced in Congress, giving us our own laundry list of what Congress could do to make things better for all Americans.
Without further ado, here are Team Taxpayer’s New Year’s Resolutions for Congress:
“Truly represent the American taxpayer by ensuring the accountability of every public dollar. This means greater transparency, more thorough oversight of government agencies, and better prioritization of spending.” – Executive Vice President Brandon Arnold
“Reform the Social Security Disability Fund NOW. It’ll default soon and hurt those who need it the most.” – Research & Outreach Manager Dan Barrett
“Make ‘listener-supported radio’ truly listener-supported.” – Director of Research Demian Brady
“Have and operate within a confined and transparent budget.” – Creative Content Manager Tim Howland
“Continue to not pass the Marketplace Fairness Act.” – Communications Manager Doug Kellogg
“Resolve to filibuster less and have more up-and-down votes on legislation and appointees.” – Director of Development Rick Lipman
“Pass a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget, limiting taxes, and restraining expenditures. Take it to every state legislator to ask for ratification!” – President Pete Sepp
“Stick to the spending caps imposed in the Budget Control Act of 2011.” – Federal Affairs Manager Nan Swift
“Put talk of the 2016 election aside long enough to honestly debate more pressing issues like tax reform and how to achieve a leaner budget.” – Policy Analyst Michael Tasselmyer
Here’s hoping that Congress takes note and, if they don’t, we’ll get out the bullhorn and make sure they do!
On behalf of the staff of NTU and Foundation, Happy New Years and here’s to a great 2015!!!